E. S. Brooks
Historic Girls
Stories of Girls Who Have Influenced the History of Their Times

Historic Girls Stories of Girls Who Have Influenced the History of Their Times

E. S. Brooks2015
Classic true historical stories for children by E. S. Brooks originally from the pages of St. Nicholas Magazine. Twelve awe-inspiring stories of real girls who influenced historical events through courage, perseverance and fortitude. Learn about Zenobia of Palmyra, Helena of Britain, Pulcheria of Constantinople, Clotilda of Burgundy, Woo of Whang-Ho, Edith of Scotland, Jacqueline of Holland (featured on our cover), Catarina of Venice, Theresa of Avila, Elizabeth of Tudor, Christina of Sweden, and Ma-Ta-Oka of Pow-Ha-Tan (or Pocahontas). Originally compiled in 1887 from selections which first appeared in Saint Nicholas magazine, this volume is an excellent introduction to the study of history. A home schooling classic, this volume will delight today's young readers as much as they did their great-grandparents when these tales first were written. "The volume is all that could be desired....Seeks to tell for the girls and boys of today the stories of some of their sisters of the long-ago, - girls who by eminent position or valiant deeds became historic even before they had passed the stage of girlhood. The girls depicted range in point of time from the third century to the seventeenth, and following the stream of civilization, from the far East of Syria to our own Virginia, beginning with the famed Zenobia and ending with the no less renowned Pocahontas. Nor are our readers to suppose they are mere good-goody girls, such as are met with in many children's books; they are not rarely hoyden romps, but every one, endowed with a strength of character that has enabled her to stamp her name on the world's history." -Book News, Volume, 6, 1887 Contents PREFACE. ZENOBIA OF PALMYRA: THE GIRL OF THE SYRIAN DESERT. HELENA OF BRITAIN: THE GIRL OF THE ESSEX FELLS. PULCHERIA of CONSTANTINOPLE: THE GIRL OF THE GOLDEN HORN CLOTILDA OF BURGANDY: THE GIRL OF THE FRENCH VINYARDS WOO OF HWANG-HO.: THE GIRL OF THE YELLOW RIVER. EDITH OF SCOTLAND.: THE GIRL OF THE NORMAN ABBEY. JACQUELINE OF HOLLAND: THE GIRL OF THE LAND OF FOGS, A.D. 1414. CATARINA OF VENICE: THE GIRL OF THE GRAND CANAL. THERESA OF AVILA: THE GIRL OF THE SPANISH SIERRAS. ELIZABETH OF TUDOR: THE GIRL OF THE HERTFORD MANOR. CHRISTINA OF SWEDEN: THE GIRL OF THE NORTHERN FIORDS. MA-TA-OKA OF POW-HA-TAN: THE GIRL OF THE VIRGINIA FORESTS.
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