Chuck Wendig, Mike Lee, Adam Tinworth, Ed Hall
Hunter Book

Hunter Book Wayward

The End Is NighMonsters are everywhere, lurking in the shadows, masquerading as upstanding citizens or hiding in plain sight. They murder, abuse and oppress humanity. They have to be stopped, at any price. A new force emerges among hunters, a new creed never seen before. These chosen are bent on obliterating the supernatural -- and anyone who gets in their way. Are these wanton killers the world's messiahs ... or destroyers?Stand or FallHunter Book: Wayward is part of a Hunter: The Reckoning series dedicated to the creeds, the character types of the imbued. Waywards are one of the two lost hunter creeds, a group of maniacs and psychopaths -- even by monsters' standards. Learn what it takes to drive these hunters over the edge -- or to make them the most prophetic among the chosen. For adults only.
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