Edge of Eternity
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Edge of Eternity

Ken Follett2016
Ken Follett's extraordinary historical epic, the Century Trilogy, reaches its sweeping, passionate conclusion. In Fall of Giants and Winter of the World, Ken Follett followed the fortunes of five international families--American, German, Russian, English, and Welsh--as they made their way through the twentieth century. Now they come to one of the most tumultuous eras of all: the 1960s through the 1980s, from civil rights, assassinations, mass political movements, and Vietnam to the Berlin Wall, the Cuban Missile Crisis, presidential impeachment, revolution--and rock and roll. East German teacher Rebecca Hoffmann discovers she's been spied on by the Stasi for years and commits an impulsive act that will affect her family for the rest of their lives. . . . George Jakes, the child of a mixed-race couple, bypasses a corporate law career to join Robert F. Kennedy's Justice Department and finds himself in the middle of not only the seminal events of the civil rights battle but a much more personal battle of his own. . . . Cameron Dewar, the grandson of a senator, jumps at the chance to do some official and unofficial espionage for a cause he believes in, only to discover that the world is a much more dangerous place than he'd imagined. . . . Dimka Dvorkin, a young aide to Nikita Khrushchev, becomes an agent both for good and for ill as the United States and the Soviet Union race to the brink of nuclear war, while his twin sister, Tanya, carves out a role that will take her from Moscow to Cuba to Prague to Warsaw--and into history. Look out for Ken's newest book, A Column of Fire, available now.
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Photo of Emma Lechner
Emma Lechner@emmyofthevalley
5 stars
Oct 16, 2024

For anyone who thought History was a boring subject in school, and struggles with following politics in our modern Era- this series will give you a deep dive on everything you need to know. Ken Follett is a very detailed researcher and always manages to capture my attention even in such long books

Photo of Simon Harding
Simon Harding@simmyh
5 stars
Jun 5, 2024

Outstanding. Not just this book, the other two in the series too. I've read them all, and I'd read more too- we just need a little more history to be created before Follett can work his magic again. I can see it now- one of his characters a North Korean aid to the Kim family, another the hairdresser of a US president.... I digress. The idea of planting fictional characters throughout the key events of the 20th century was little short of genius, and Follett pulled it off with complete mastery. I've said it in a previous review, but if you ever want to get your kids into modern history, throw out the text books. Burn them. Rip the pages from them and smoke them if you must. Because this is the history of the future. Factual, researched to the finest detail, yet told through the lives of people Follett has placed in strategic locations. People so engaging that you'll be willing history to be kind to them. When I studied 20th century history at school, the dull texts ruined it for me for good. If I'd had Edge of Eternity, Winter of the World and Fall of Giants to crib from, by now I'd be a professor at Oxford. It is absolutely astonishing what Follett has achieved with his century trilogy. I can say no more.

Photo of Jonathan Tysick
Jonathan Tysick@jtsick6
3 stars
Jun 18, 2023

An entertaining and informative conclusion to Follett's ambitious trilogy. However, the characters seemed a bit more stereotypical (than the previous two books), there were a lot of unnecessary sex scenes and Follett's political views came through a bit more than the previous volumes.

Photo of Leonie
3 stars
Oct 13, 2021

Leider definitiv der schwächste Teil der Trilogie. Während der Anfang noch gewohnt detail- und charakterverliebt auftrumpft, flacht es zum Ende hin immer mehr ab und wirkt teils als hätte Follett bemerkt, dass er nicht mehr allzu viele Seiten füllen darf. Zum Ende hin wirkt die sonst so fein ausgearbeitete Geschichte mit Familien-Vernestelungen, die einem zumeist erst in den letzten Kapiteln im vollen Umfang klar werden, flach und als hätte er schnell fertig werden wollen. Das so erhoffte verdiente Finale der Trilogie bleibt aus. Auch wenn Sturz der Titanen und Winter der Welt deutlich stärker waren, ist auch Kinder der Freiheit definitiv noch, außerhalb der Trilogie betrachtet, eines der besseren Bücher. Wer Folletts Art der Charakterverknüpfung und seinen Schreibstil mag, der wird auch hieran Freude finden.

Photo of Linus Stieldorf
Linus Stieldorf@lks
4.5 stars
Jul 7, 2022
Photo of Andrew
5 stars
May 21, 2022
Photo of Jennifer
Jennifer @jennifer
4 stars
May 21, 2022
Photo of Kevin Heinrich
Kevin Heinrich@kevslev
Photo of Jordan
4 stars
May 28, 2024
Photo of Abbe Castillo
Abbe Castillo@abbec
5 stars
Oct 25, 2023
Photo of shelby mosel
shelby mosel@shelbymosel
4 stars
Jun 28, 2023
Photo of Pablo Porto
Pablo Porto@pabloreads
4 stars
May 21, 2023
Photo of Lacy Clagg
Lacy Clagg@lacyneedscoffee
4 stars
Feb 25, 2023
Photo of marc
5 stars
Jan 29, 2023
Photo of Luis Redondo Cañada
Luis Redondo Cañada @lurecas
5 stars
Jan 11, 2023
Photo of Fran Lewis
Fran Lewis@franlewis
2 stars
Dec 23, 2022
Photo of Job
4 stars
Oct 9, 2022
Photo of Jon Noronha
Jon Noronha@thatsjonsense
3 stars
Aug 12, 2022
Photo of James Paden
James Paden@jamespaden
3 stars
Aug 12, 2022
Photo of L A-T
L A-T@zoombinis
2 stars
Jun 9, 2022
Photo of Caitlin Dignan
Caitlin Dignan@cdignan
5 stars
May 31, 2022
Photo of Javiera
5 stars
Mar 26, 2022
Photo of Adriana Carvalho
Adriana Carvalho @adrifica
4 stars
Mar 7, 2022
Photo of Lea Marshall
Lea Marshall @leamarshall
4 stars
Mar 2, 2022


Photo of Jennifer
Jennifer @jennifer

Ceaușescu schrie inzwischen fast. In diesem Augenblick blickte Gorbatschow zu Miklós Németh. Und der Russe schenkte dem Ungarn ein leichtes Lächeln, während Ceaușescu Gift und Galle spie. Und dann zwinkerte Gorbatschow auch noch. Dann wandte er sich wieder ab und schaute gelangweilt drein.

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Photo of Jennifer
Jennifer @jennifer

„Ich habe nie einen Menschen so geliebt wie dich.“ Daves Verwunderung verwandelte sich in Fasslungslosigkeit als Ethel erwiderte: „Das ist bei mir genauso.“

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Photo of Jennifer
Jennifer @jennifer

„Jetzt ist es zu spät, ihr zu verzeihen. Was war Ich für ein Narr.“ Er blickte Llyod in die Augen. „In dieser Hinsicht jedenfalls … aber auch in anderer.“

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Photo of Jennifer
Jennifer @jennifer

„Was, wenn Krenz aus Ostberlin anruft?“, fragte Dimka seinen Chef. „Wecken Sie mich nicht.“

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Photo of Jennifer
Jennifer @jennifer

„Sagen Sie denen, wenn sie ihre Mauer abreißen, baue Ich meine auch wieder ab.“

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Photo of Jennifer
Jennifer @jennifer

„Als du mich als Vater verloren hast, Wolodja“, sagte Lew, „hast du nicht viel verloren.“ […] „Ich aber schon“, fuhr Lew fort. „Ich habe viel verloren … sehr viel.“

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Photo of Jennifer
Jennifer @jennifer

Seine Hände waren ganz ruhig. Er drückte ab.

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