Wholly Sex Vs. Causal Sex

Wholly Sex Vs. Causal Sex An Inspirational Dating Guide

Wholly sex is an investment in a partner that cares about your total being and is willing to love you completely. Wholly sex produces feelings of wholeness and completeness. Wholly sex involves two people forming a soul mate relationship. It creates mutual respect and honesty for one's feelings. Wholly sex creates trust within the relationship. It assures you that your partner cares enough about you before the sexual act is committed. Wholly sex provides the ultimate love and sexual experience. Wholly sex goes beyond the physical sex act. It unites two people on another level, exploring intimacy and the total being. Peace exudes from within when you engage in wholly sex. Wholly sex makes you a responsible sex partner. Sexual partners should not be easily discarded because a special bonding has been created. Feelings dwell throughout your inner being even when a sexual relationship has ended.
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