Edvard Munch

Edvard Munch A Genius of Printmaking

Love, pain, and death; passion, loneliness, and sorrow - the entire oeuvre of Edvard Munch (1863-1944) revolves around the fundamental experiences of human existence. Munch is regarded as one of the trailblazers of the Expressionist currents that informed European painting in the early twentieth century. His prints were not byproducts but a central element of his oeuvre, from the first etchings in 1894 to the lithographs he made just before his death. Among the masterpieces included in this representative volume of images and texts are graphic versions of Munch's world-famous subjects in the form of large-format color lithographs, etchings, woodcuts, hand-colored prints, or experimental prints on colored paper. Munch's graphic works, in which he achieved a persuasive condensation of his major Symbolist allegories, captivate the viewer with their subtle color palettes and their expressive sense of reduction. Exhibition: Kunsthaus Zürich, Switzerland (4.10.2013-12.1.2014).
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