Advice to a Young Man Upon First Going to Oxford

Advice to a Young Man Upon First Going to Oxford

Edward Berens2021
Book Excerpt: e, and obliging--+chrêsteuetai+.Charity envieth not--+ou zêloi+. It is free from those little jealousies, and rivalries, and emulations, which, where they are admitted, sometimes give sourness to the temper, and bitterness to the behaviour.Charity vaunteth not itself--+ou perpereuetai+; it is not rash or over hasty; it is not overbearing, positive, and peremptory, in language or manner; is not puffed up--+ou physioutai+; is not inflated with an opinion of its own worth or consequence; and, that being the case, it doth not behave itself unseemly--+ouk aschêmonei+; it does not treat other men with disdain and superciliousness.Charity seeketh not her own--+ou zêtei ta heautês+--that is, she is not selfish. Charity neglects not altogether her own concerns, or her own interests, but does not attend to them exclusively; does not so attend to them, as to be unmindful of, or inattentive to, the interests and welfare ofRead More
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