Out of Place

Out of Place A Memoir

Edward Said was born in Jerusalem, and brought up in Cairo, spending every summer in the Lebanese mountain village of Dhour el Shweir, until he was "banished" to America in 1951. This work is a mixture of emotional archaeology and memory, exploring an essentially irrecoverable past. As ill health sets him thinking about endings, Edward Said returns to his beginnings in this personal memoir.
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Photo of Giovanni Garcia-Fenech
Giovanni Garcia-Fenech @giovannigf
3 stars
Feb 9, 2022


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Between my mother’s empowering, sunlike smile and her cold scowl or her sustained frowning dismissiveness, I existed as a child both fortunate and hopeless miserably, neither completely one nor the other.

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Yet the overriding sensation I had was of always being out of place.

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I knew again how fragile, precious, and fleeting were the history and circumstances not only gone forever, but basically unrecalled and unrecorded except as occasional reminiscence or intermittent conversations.