Mathematics of Surfaces XIII

Mathematics of Surfaces XIII 13th IMA International Conference York, UK, September 7-9, 2009 Proceedings

This volume collects the papers accepted for presentation at the 13th IMA C- ference on the Mathematics of Surfaces, held at the University of York, UK September 7–9, 2009. Contributors to this volume include authors from many countries in America, Asia, and Europe. The papers presented here re?ect the applicability of mathematics of surfaces to engineering and computer science, especially in domains such as computer-aided design, computer vision, and c- puter graphics. The papers in the present volume include seven invited papers, as well as a larger number of submitted papers. They cover a range of ideas from under- ing theory of surfaces to practical tools, and industrial applications of surfaces. Surface types considered encompass polygon meshes as well as parametric and implicitsurfaces.Topicsprovidingatheoreticalbasisincludesubdivisionschemes and their continuity, polar patchworks, compressive algorithms for PDEs, s- face invariant functions, swept volume parameterization,Willmore ?ow, com- tational conformal geometry, heat kernel embeddings, and self-organizing maps on manifolds. Toward the practical and applied end of the scale, papers cover such issues as mesh and manifold construction, editing, ?attening, morphing and interrogation, dissection of planar shapes, symmetry processing, morphable models, computation of isophotes, point membership classi?cation and vertex blends. We would like to thank all those who attended the conference and helped to makeit a success,especially the keynotespeaker,the renownedField's Medallist Shing-Tung Yau from Harvard University, as well as the other invited speakers whose contributions were a highlight of the meeting.
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