Queen Lucia

Queen Lucia

E.F. Benson2019
Reproduction of the original: Queen Lucia by E.F. Benson
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Photo of Sarah Escorsa
Sarah Escorsa@shrimpy
2 stars
Mar 8, 2022

I clearly must have missed something here. I expected to absolutely love this book. I just love British literature from early 20th century, I love humour and satire and I love Wodehouse (from what I’ve read Lucia’s world is supposed to be reminiscent of Jeeves & Wooster’s). I couldn’t wait to read Queen Lucia and was eager to get my hands on the whole series, expecting to have a great time reading its many instalments. What a disappointment this turned out to be! I still can’t believe it! I see the rave reviews here and there and wonder whether the reviewers and I have actually read the same book. I am really surprised this book (and the rest of the series) is compared to Wodehouse’s work when it clearly lacks its humour and wackiness. I didn’t find Queen Lucia funny at all and don’t even recall smiling while reading the book. To make things worse, I just don’t like the character of Lucia. She lacks charisma and I find her quite annoying… Not a great introduction to this series I’m afraid! I’m still pondering whether I should read Miss Mapp. It seems some reviewers who were also disappointed with Queen Lucia quite enjoyed it so I might give it a try:)

Photo of Daniel Kilby
Daniel Kilby@d291173
5 stars
Jul 21, 2023
Photo of Alexia
3 stars
Dec 17, 2021
Photo of Amro Gebreel
Amro Gebreel@amro
4 stars
Sep 15, 2021
Photo of Marie C-D
Marie C-D@marie
4 stars
Jul 29, 2021