
good read with beautiful art that gives me a nostalgia kick every time I read it


So happy to be closing this year with another good book. El Deafo has taught me so many things about deafness and more importantly, has taught me empathy. The main character is a child who lost her hearing as a result from meningitis she has when she was little. We went through her experience till she was in 4th grade, all ups and downs, sadness and happiness, all through her loneliness and finally her acceptance. I feel every emotions in this book deeply and understandably. Love it. Recommend this.

Die besten Superheld*innen schreibt der Alltag ÄTT MÄN ONA UBA MÄN? Das ist alles was Cece versteht, wenn sich die Nachbarjungen über Superhelden unterhalten. Schon als kleines Kind hat Cece ihr Gehör verloren. Seitdem trägt sie ein Hörgerät und hat gelernt, Worte und Sätze von den Lippen abzusehen. Aber Cece hasst das Hörgerät. Es ist riesig und Cece ist sich sicher, dass jeder sie deswegen anstarrt. So ist es gar nicht einfach sich in einer neuen Schule einzugewöhnen und neue Freunde zu finden. Bis sie herausfindet, was das Phonic Ear noch alles kann und es ihre Superkraft wird. Denn als El Taubinio ist Cece damit selbst schon fast eine Superheldin, sozusagen ihr Alter Ego. Mit der Hilfe diese Alter Egos lernt Cece sich selbst zu akzeptieren. Die Idee Kindern, Jugendlichen und auch Erwachsenen mit Hilfe des Graphic Novels die Welt aus der Sicht einer gehörlosen Person zu zeigen und diese in ihrer Selbstakzeptanz und Entwicklung zu begleiten ist in diesem Stück Literatur sehr gut gelungen. Es trifft den Nerv der Zeit und versucht soziale Normen zu verändern, für mehr Akzeptanz und Wissen in der Gesellschaft ist dies besonders wichtig. Die Illustrationen haben mir sehr gut gefallen, da es mich an die Kinderserie "Arthur" erinnert und die Farben sehr harmonisch waren. Der eigentliche Text ist situationsabhängig, aber sprachlich gut an das Niveau der Zielgruppe angepasst. Ich werde es definitiv weiter empfehlen.

Book #54 Read in 2017 El Deafo by Cece Bell This is a graphic novel that tells the story of Cece, a young girl who is deaf. She has to wear a contraption to school that includes a microphone for her teachers to use so she can hear their instruction. Cece feels very obtrusive wearing it and begins to imagine her alter ego--"El Deafo" who has superpowers and the confidence Cece does not have. This book spans several years of her schooling and shows the ups and downs of her interactions with her family, friends, teachers and strangers. I plan on using this book with the students in my Young Adult Literature class in the fall.

A quick and fun graphic novel filled with heart, sweetness and a little bit of sad.

Another graphic memoir that I love this year. Cece bell gadis kecil kehilangan kemampuan mendengarnya karena sebuah penyakit, dan memulai pengalaman masa kecil nya menggunakan hearing aid. Cece menggambarkan diri nya sebagai seorang pahlawan super meski dengan kondisi yang kurang sempurna, dengan kekuatan super power nya hearing aid. Perjalanan menjadi pahlawan super cece tidak selalu mulus, pencarian pertemanan di sekolah, orang-orang making fun with her disiblity dan akhirnya menemukan akhir bahagia menjadi pahlawan dan menerima kekurangan yg dia miliki. Hampir di setiap bab nya aku little crying, ngerasa banget perjalanan cece dan persahabatan cece dengan teman-teman nya di sekolah.

Fun, though the superhero parts didn't really appeal to me. But a good insight into being deaf.

4.5 I'm hard of hearing and a user of hearings aids, which I'm heavily depended on; I appreciate El Deafo. Whilst Cece's hearing loss is greater than my own - as depicted being between 70-90 decibels - which is between 40-50 (I don't hear ambient sounds from the e.g. refrigerator and I have never been a fan of the whisper game/challenge), and despite the differences in the hearing loss between Cece and myself, there's several situations that were depicted that I have experienced myself, but also my own experience of hearing loss and how to cope in different situations have been different. El Deafo is a simple but impactful story, and whilst I liked it, I wasn't too fond of the way that Cece "finally fitted in" with her classmates. (view spoiler)[It felt more that they were impressed by the benefits they could get out of Cece's equipment, rather than Cece herself. (hide spoiler)]

Too real y'all

Rarely do graphic novels rate 4 or 5 stars from this librarian. Often I find the character development lacking or the story so thin that I think it has much literary merit. I am delighted to say that is not the case with El Deafo. I loved this book from start to finish, loved the characters, the struggles and the triumph of Cece and her struggle to deal with her hearing loss. Less than a month ago I had a deaf student ask me for books where someone, anyone, in the story resembled him. I struggled to find a handful of books and only one where the main character was deaf. This is the book I needed last month. It is a wonderful book based on the author's life and I cannot wait to introduce my students to this book. Highly recommend.

Just wonderful!

lovely autobiographical graphical novel about growing up as a partially deaf child with all the frustrations and experiences going along with it. The book is a reflection of thinking and politics at that point and one would hope that things have moved on, particularly in helping children to have a voice to express their frustrations and to explain to people around them what is going on, I felt there was a big gulf between the protagonist and those around her - even her parents. Very interesting supplementary pages at the back where the author explains a little about current thinking about hearing aids and lip-reading vs. sign language. I suspect the deaf community will not embrace this book as it would be considered to not be PC. But perhaps helpful for families and communities with a deaf child isolated within them.

An awesome graphic novel about the struggles and discoveries the author makes while growing up deaf. The illustrations are adorable and the story is really sweet. While this is great for kids, I'd recommend it to anyone!

I finished this in about two hours. I really loved this graphic novel (?). I loved that this explains so very clearly for all ages, what it is like for those who are hard of hearing or hearing impaired. It breaks it down in such a way I never fully understood before. I recommend this to all. Especially those who have children, get it for your children to read so that if they come across someone in their class with hearing aids in they will know how to approach it. Sometimes children can be mean without meaning to because they are just uneducated. Same for adults. I thought this was the sweetest story.

Almost a 5 star. I get that the setting is in the 70s but I could have done without the smoking references. It was a good story and I enjoyed the authors note. Glad I read it before giving to my daughter. I might wait another year or 2 before putting it in her hands (she’s 6 but an advanced reader).

I read this as part of my studies. It is an insightful graphic novel in to the feelings of a deaf child growing up in a hearing world. I recommend sharing this book with children.

Reread. Still such a good story to help kids understand differences in people and how you should and shouldn't talk to them or describe them.

Loved it! So sweet and powerful!

Wonderful. I can vouch for much of it.