Live Life to Its Fullest

Live Life to Its Fullest Never Look Back

Live life to its fullest is a step by step guide towards the life of your dreams. This book will get you inspire to follow the whispers of your soul. You will be able to learn how to take control of your own life, throw away the "Should do" that others planted in your mind, escape from your imprisonment that you are trapped in. Most of us have in our subconscious mind several blocks of rules, norms or habits carried over from generation to generation. We grow up with lots of "Should do" in our mind and we begin to feel trapped. This book will guide you from where you are to where you want to be and show you how to do it. Within these pages, you will be able to open up your own Johari window and understand yourself and others and begin to have healthy interactions and relationships with everyone around you. You will learn how to balance your life and do what you love.Finally, you will discover new techniques to turn negative thinking into a positive one and change the course of your life, create a new life with a new perspective, thinking, shifting from the place of victimhood and negativity to the place of safety, love and the winner's side where nobody is in control of your life but only you can control yourself and your own life.Live life to its fullest and never look back. The past is over. Live in the now. Live a joyful and happy life. You deserve it. One thing is for sure I took control of my life and I am now riding with the wave of change and the view looks good, you are all invited to join me.THE AUTHOR OF THE BOOKElena Georgiou was born in Cyprus but in her early childhood years had the chance to live in New York, USA (Long beach, long Island) went to school and had very wonderful memories. After living there for three years she returned back to Cyprus with her family. She is a Motivational Speaker, Certified Life Skills Coach, Certified Trainer of Vocational Training and Writer-Author. She has received a Master Degree in European Studies and a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology and a College Degree in Life Skills Coaching. She has published her first book in 2013 with the title "Life Goals. How do I create my dream life?" and this book can now be found at the library of the University of Cyprus.Her research interests include Preventing and Combating Gender based Violence. She is a member of the Cyprus Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family, a member of the Red Cross and a member of the Cyprus Sociological Association.She has trained many individuals in One to One Sessions, Online Sessions and Group Coaching in Life skills and Communication Development. She has led Workshops and Seminars in Cyprus helping people unlock their inner powers, beliefs and values and leading them to their new life path. Her motto in life is "LIVE LIFE TO ITS FULLEST" and that's why she gave this title to her new book.
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