A banquet of consequences a Lynley novel

I have read and liked many books of the Inspector Lynley series. It's been now a few years without me reading anything written by Elizabeth George. So I don't know if my tastes have changed or if A banquet of consequences is not one of her better novels. But let me explain. As always the beginning is rather slow, but it is not boring. You just get to know the characters. Characters, who are all in unhealthy relationships, it seemed, so I was wondering the whole time: Who's gonna die?! Sadly it soon stopped being thrilling to me and started being boring. The book felt artificially prolonged. The whole Charlie-India-Nat-story or the Rory-Fiona-Memories for example? I could have done without it being so detailed. (Amazon tells me this novel has 592 pages... it felt like 1500...) I did like the feministic touch of this book and Carolin was a very interesting, emotions provoking character. If I think back, I remember Elizabeth George's novels being long, but I never felt bored reading them. Maybe my tastes changed, maybe it was because of the rather small role Lynley and Havers have in this story? Disclaimer: I was provided through NetGalley with a free copy in exchange for an honest review. Thank you.

I enjoyed this book. I can't say I was surprised by the mystery/crime -- but I think that comes down to the fact that I watch too many procedural crime dramas. I found that George crafts her characters with great care, and that was what drew me through. She also knows what she's doing when it come to dropping just enough breadcrumbs -- I felt the suspense quite thoroughly. I've been having trouble sleeping lately, and this book kept pulling me forward. I kept having the "just a little further, I have to know!" Moments. This is the first Inspector Lynley book I've read. I didn't need the history of the characters to enjoy the book, but I am looking forward to going back to the beginning and meeting these characters at an earlier point in their arcs.