The Healing Enema Cookbook

The Healing Enema Cookbook 50+ Enema Recipes to Promote Health and Well-being

More than 50 enema recipes are included in The Healing Enema Cookbook. More and more people are discovering the therapeutic effects of enemas. A Healing Enema works by cleaning the bowels, detoxification and introducing chosen nutrients into the body. Instructions for the popular Coffee Enema are included. There are dozens of cleansing, retention and implant recipes.Join the fast growing group of people who are regaining health by adding a home enema as part of their self-care routine. They report feeling lighter and having more clarity after completing a healthy enema. Some even describe the experience as euphoric.What is an enema and what can an enema do for you? Each enema recipe in this collection includes a summary of the health benefits you can expect. Of course this is a procedure that you do at your own risk. But the dozens of enemas in this collection make it easy for you to get started.
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