
Kanji-Kan Puzzle Book 1

Read, Write and Remember Kanji Kanji-Kan Puzzle Book 1 focuses on the 80 Kanji that are taught in the first year of schooling in Japan. These are the most essential, basic kanji and include the characters needed to write numbers, days of the week and months. The book contains 36 puzzles in total, together with - - Clear examples for each of the kanji, together with on and kun readings. - Word lists that give useful examples of over 160 commonly used words that use the kanji, together with readings in hiragana and English translations. The aim of the puzzles is to improve kanji recognition and writing skills. Unlike most other text-book exercises, however, Kanji-Kan puzzles can be seriously addictive. Kanji-Kan are not complicated to do and everyone who has completed a Sudoku puzzle should feel instantly at home. Each puzzle is based on a 9 x 9 grid. Some of the cells in each grid are already completed and all you have to do is identify the missing characters and fill in the empty cells. The rules are simple: - A kanji can be used only once in each row. - A kanji can be used only once in each column. - A kanji can be used only once in each small 3 x 3 block. Where to begin? Learn 9 new kanji and then complete a puzzle, or simply dive in and see how many you know already? The choice is yours !
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