Breaking Ties

Dawg is such a breath of fresh air. A man unafraid to show his love for his dog, who is comfortable being with a woman with no pressure on her to take anything further. Who would rather see the woman he loves happy, even if the person to make her happy isn't him. Beth is really not a demanding female, she just wants the man she's with NOT to volunteer for duty, especially not just before they are due to marry. She's over her ex, she just wants to feel something for someone. But bar hopping is just not what she wants to do but being forced on a night out with her bestie leads to one of the more fun nights she's had, even when it means she and Dawg cut out earliy 'cos neither of them is in the mood to party. OMG what a great couple. beth is steady, surefooted under pressure but doubts herself in the romance world. Dawg knows Chewy loves him and he's content with his lot - until Beth comes into his life. I was not enamoured with beth's ex, what a total self-involved butt! He really is dense, he may have loved Beth in his own way but not at the expense of HIS career. Not a damsel in distress in sight, brilliant read!