Ranger's Baby

Another brother is clipped by Cupid's Arrow! Duncan nad Fiona have been friends for a long time but both seem to have been hesitant in the past to take things any further. But after a surprise fling on his last leave, Duncan left a little smething behind - a daughter! Fiona has been a one woman village in raising her daughter so far but now with local criminals after her, she has to turn to Duncan for help. But once again their timing might be off, his father is missing. Sometimes I worry about these men! They can be so dense as to what is right in front of them. You really want to smack them upside the head with something heavy! In saying that Fiona cuold be her own worst enemy at times, she has to let Duncan in at some point, it's not exactly his fault he didn't know he was a daddy. You can't really lost with a book with such a cutie baby in it! Great read.