
Reggie is the kind of woman I want to be when I grow up. She is strong, fearless and a sympathetic character. After being targeted by a serial abductor and rapist, she has endured more than person should have to. She is determined to free herself and the other females being held captive. When she finally makes her move, she allows her captor to believe she died in the attempt. She washes up in a stream and is found by a very nosy ex-wardog. Sam only went to the strea, to attempt fly fishing before startign his new job with Brotherhood Protectors. He didn't expect for his newly adopted ex-K9 dog to find a banged up, nude female. When Reggie comes to and he realises the scope of her injuries and her assaults, Sam calls in Hank and the team for some extra hands! Reggie is strong, sympathetic and spirited and she is able to comartmentalise her own abuse to ensure the safety of the other captives. Sam is a perfect blend of Alpha male, gentle carer and emotional support. The action is fast paced, which really helped the story flow like a movie, especially as there was essentially a ticking clock as to how long the other captives could survive. Due to the nature of the storyline there are no sex scenes, just lots of emotional bonding which fits with the story arc. The little helpful "tribe in the woods" were sweet and I loved seeing the happy ending in the epilogue! Trigger warnings: Sexual Assault, Abduction, Rape