Vampire kisses.

Vampire kisses.

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Photo of Ashley shackelford
Ashley shackelford@ashlizshack
1 star
Apr 29, 2024

I was hoping for a lot more from this book. The entire plot just seemed so juvenile. That's it.

Photo of Rebecca C Wright
Rebecca C Wright@morseren
5 stars
Mar 11, 2024

Ok, this is totally schmoop. But I love it. Goth girl meets her one true love vampire boyfriend. Not sappy at all. The main character is spunky and defies her small town to be who whe wants to be with style. This is great role model material for young girls. Plus there is a swoon worthy male vampire guy that I would have LOVED at 16 years old. Get the whole series, they are all great and the manga is cool too.

Photo of Briar's Reviews
Briar's Reviews@briarsreviews
5 stars
Jul 31, 2023

Vampireville, the third book in the amazing Vampire Kisses series by Ellen Schreiber, is another excellent addition to my bookshelf! I love this series and I have a very obvious bias towards it. This series was a big part of my teenage years and it's hard to not jump back into this series and fall in love all over again. Alexander and Raven's epic romance is one of the best YA couples around (go ahead and argue that with me) and I can't help but shout from the hills about them. Jumping back into these books as an adult cemented my love for this series. It's still just as good! Vampireville is a young YA book - the maturity of this novel isn't strong but that's why I loved it. Lots of YA books take themselves way too seriously, so having a book like this that is so much fun is a real delight. Raven is your stereotypical goth girl (Hot Topic shopping, black lipstick, loves black, black cats, in love with a vampire, etc.) but that makes her so cool. She's the ideal of every 13 year old girl who wanted to be a goth but her parents wouldn't let me (haha... me!). She's sassy, makes mistakes and feels more real than most YA heroines. Raven and Alexander continue facing a very bumpy ride, but the ride is fun! I highly recommend binging the whole series as soon as possible. I didn't enjoy these books all on their own: I liked reading the entire series from beginning to end to really get this series. It helps that all the books are relatively short and written in a nice form so you can easily jump from book to book. Five out of five stars! I love this series and I want more!

Photo of Briar's Reviews
Briar's Reviews@briarsreviews
5 stars
Jul 31, 2023

Ah, yes. Another throwback from my teen years - Kissing Coffins, the second book in the marvelous Vampire Kisses series. Just a gentle reminder, these books are Young Adult novels with young, lovely characters who act like immature kids (because, they are YOUNG). If you're looking for a True Blood or Game of Thrones level of maturity, you've come to the wrong place. As a teen, these books were my LIFE. They were a big part of my high school years and I was madly in love with them. I wanted to find my own Alexander and live in a big, spooky house. I idolized Raven and her style (because, let's be honest, she was my inner self). At the time, these books made so much sense - young mistakes, young love, lots of young fun! Reading them as my older self, obviously I wouldn't make the same decisions as Raven because I have life experience. But I believe Ellen did a really good job of making Raven feel like a real teen. Well, a real teen from my timeline. That being said, this book is a lot of fun, full of goofiness and full of adorable romance. Alexander and Raven are a really cute couple and they really deserved the many books they got in this series. I found this series was a lot more fun to binge read then read alone. I wanted the story to keep going because I was so addicted. Not every reader has found this to be true, but I sure did! I love escaping into a YA like this series, and sinking into a fun, not totally realistic book. Did anyone really expect a vampire romance to be realistic? This series is like a vampire, soap opera for teens! It's excellent. My biggest con for this series was at the time of my initial reading, I had to actually WAIT for the next series in the book. Oh man, was it frustrating. I'm glad I can jump back into this series as an adult and read it all in a row like I dreamed of back in the day. Other than that, I found this book to be fun and flawless! I love Ellen and her books! Five out of five stars!

Photo of Briar's Reviews
Briar's Reviews@briarsreviews
5 stars
Jul 31, 2023

This is one of my fave throwbacks to my teen years - Ellen Schreiber and her Vampire Kisses series. To say I was obsessed with this series is an absolute understatement. Recently, I picked this book up again and decided to throw myself into this series, and I still love it! This series is full of cute-sy YA romance with Alexander and Raven. The book is written for a younger audience, but if you're like me and love sinking away into a fantastical world then it will be no issue to you. If you're expecting a "True Blood-esque" novel, then you've come to the wrong place. The fourth book in this series, Dance with a Vampire, continues Alexander and Raven's epic love story. Except, this time around we've got more crazy antics that the pair have to deal with. Valentine is now up to her trouble, making it seem impossible for our love birds to have a happy ending. A note for the reader: These books are relatively short, which makes them a fun, sweet, and smooth read. It's really easy to binge all of these books in a day if you have the nerve to. I read the first four books (back in the day) on a bus ride to a school swim meet. I re-read these books many times because of how short and fun they were. So, it's not a big time commitment if you read these babies one by one. Final note: The manga version of this series was one of the first mangas I ever read and made me fall in love with that "genre" (is genre the right word? Probably not). The pictures were beautiful, the story was magical and I'm glad it got me so into reading! Thank you Ellen for being one of my early reading addictions. Hopefully I'll find some more newer books by her soon! Her writing just vibes well with my reading style. I'd highly recommend these books. They are on the younger side of YA, but they are funny, sassy and absolutely adorable. My biggest con for this whole series was that it ended! I loved each book and I really want more by this author. So many YA novels take themselves way to seriously and try to make the teen be an adult. This series makes Raven be a fun, young girl who makes mistakes along the way (but she somehow gets an epic romance out of it). Five out of five stars!

Photo of Briar's Reviews
Briar's Reviews@briarsreviews
5 stars
Jul 31, 2023

The Coffin Club by Ellen Schreiber is one of my sweet obsessions in the YA genre. Vampire Kisses was one of those series I binged read on a school trip. They were all adorable, they were sweet and it was everything I needed at the time. Going back to them, they are for sure my guilty pleasure. Happy endings, cute drama, adorable romance - everything I need in a guilty pleasure during rough times! These reads are fast, and somewhat mindless. There's no crazy Dan Brown plot lines or Inception like mysteries to be solved. It's a YA novel with vampires and ooey gooey romance and drama. It's everything that it's designed to be - the perfect guilty pleasure package. This isn't the best in the series - this book is definitely one of the "filler" books that give you required information and new characters that will be extremely important as the series goes on. There is still crazy teen angst and drama to fill up the pages, but it doesn't rival the first four, or the next novel in the series. That being said, it's still great in my eyes. Not every book will be a home run, or else technically none of them would be. Raven and Alexander are a cute couple - and Raven will do anything to get Alexander back (since he's missing, of course). With a supporting cast like Jameson, Jagger, Phoenix and Onyx in this book, I definitely recommend it. It's funny and sweet! Overall - I love this series. If you want a sweet, easy read that is YA based and full of the vampire craze this book is for you!! Five out of five stars!

Photo of Talia Dominguez
Talia Dominguez @taliac36
3 stars
Dec 22, 2022

is an awesome book

Photo of Caitlyn C
Caitlyn C@theeafterwife
5 stars
Feb 24, 2022

This series is super cute💘

Photo of Sophia De La Garza
Sophia De La Garza@sophiaalexisbooks
5 stars
Jan 1, 2022

Reread this series through e-book about a week ago and didn't log it. I love this series so much, cute fluffy gothic vampire romance.

Photo of Sophia De La Garza
Sophia De La Garza@sophiaalexisbooks
5 stars
Jan 1, 2022

Reread this series through e-book about a week ago and didn't log it. I love this series so much, cute fluffy gothic vampire romance.

Photo of Sophia De La Garza
Sophia De La Garza@sophiaalexisbooks
5 stars
Jan 1, 2022

Reread this series through e-book about a week ago and didn't log it. I love this series so much, cute fluffy gothic vampire romance.

Photo of Sophia De La Garza
Sophia De La Garza@sophiaalexisbooks
5 stars
Jan 1, 2022

Reread this series through e-book about a week ago and didn't log it. I love this series so much, cute fluffy gothic vampire romance.

Photo of Sophia De La Garza
Sophia De La Garza@sophiaalexisbooks
5 stars
Jan 1, 2022

Reread this series through e-book about a week ago and didn't log it. I love this series so much, cute fluffy gothic vampire romance.

Photo of Sophia De La Garza
Sophia De La Garza@sophiaalexisbooks
5 stars
Jan 1, 2022

The cutest gothic vampire romance I've ever read. One of my all time favorites.

Photo of Anastaciya
3 stars
Oct 27, 2021

oh, that was so silly and trashy and fun. Three stars for the nostalgia

Photo of Anastaciya
1 star
Oct 27, 2021

well, that was just terrible... had no high expectations for this book, but the first one was kinda fun to read. This one, in comparison... It's true to its style, but somehow worse, even despite the twist and the explanations :/

Photo of Laura Springall
Laura Springall@bookishlifeoflaura
5 stars
Oct 18, 2021

I adore this series! I read the first 3 books in one day at school. Absolutely brilliant. I fell head over heels in love with Alexander (he's actually the reason Alexander is my favourite name for a guy) instantly. I loved all the characters, and the plot was so wonderful. I love the writing style as well. This series is just wonderful

Photo of charisma powning
charisma powning@charismapowning
4 stars
Sep 21, 2021

This book is so so silly. The writing is not complex, really nothing about the story is. Even so, I love this book. It’s cutesy and fantastical and nothing about it challenges intellectual growth. Four stars because you and I both know it’s not worth five but it’s great all the same.

Photo of Mal smith
Mal smith@malsmith
2 stars
Jul 9, 2024
Photo of Victoria
Victoria @redheadarling
2 stars
Jun 21, 2024
Photo of Victoria
Victoria @redheadarling
2 stars
Jun 21, 2024
Photo of Vicky  Nuñez
Vicky Nuñez @vicky21
2 stars
Mar 25, 2024
Photo of Amrie Cruz
Amrie Cruz@runawayrunt
2 stars
Jan 7, 2024
Photo of Jo A
Jo A@thecupofjo
1 star
Jan 1, 2024