Research Methods for Memory Studies
The first textbook on research methods and methodological questions in the field This guide provides students and researchers with a clear set of outlines and discussions of particular methods of research in memory studies. It offers not only expert appraisals of a range of techniques, approaches and perspectives, but also focuses on key questions of methodology in order to help bring unity and coherence to this new field of study. Key Features: Investigating community remembering and memory in personal narratives Exploring the localisation of official national memory, and the contribution of different memoryscapes and different regimes of memory to cultural heritage Attending to painful pasts and disrupted memory Examining how memory is achieved and communicated in everyday interaction, and how it is manifested in emergent ethnicities Focusing on the production of social memory in the media and the use of media as self-produced vehicles of memory Analysing the dynamics of remembering in public confessions and apologias, and in testimonies offered by Holocaust survivors