
Lmao this was some unrealistic cheesy bullshit

This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance Summary Nicholas Pembrook, the Crown Prince of Wessco, keeps himself under wraps where the press and public are concerned, but he is nothing like the prince he portrays to the world. He is charismatic, sensual and seeks diverting pleasures. He has learned since he was a boy, to hide himself from his grandmother The Queen and the rest of the world. The Queen sends him on a mission to the states, where he meets a beautiful waitress who throws a pie in his face. But Nicholas is charmed by her and pursues her. Olivia is the caretaker of her teenage sister and her father who has never recovered from her mothers death. She runs a coffee shop with the best homemade pies but is barely keeping it afloat. When she meets badboy Nicholas who could charm her easily if she let him, she puts her guard up. But Olivia can't resist the feelings he stirs or to take this one chance in a lifetime to do something wild and crazy and spontaneous. To live in the moment....but when love enters the game, both Nicholas and Olivia know they will never be able to have forever.... The Hero Nicholas, the Crown Prince has always done what has been asked of him. He lost his parents when he was younger, and shielded his younger brother and protected him as best he could. To the world he has recovered from the loss....but Nicholas hides his true feelings well. Nicholas is ready to take on the world if need be even if it terrifies him. But his biggest worry is his brother who is falling off the deep end since ending his military service. Nicholas at first is one of the "playboy" heroes that can drive you up the wall and at first that is what Nicholas appears to be. But we see larger depths into his character and with each development in the story you begin to admire him. She has no idea who I am … Her ignorance is rather…thrilling. There are no expectations, no hidden agendas, no reasons to pretend – what she sees is what she gets. And all she sees is me. I truly loved how he treats Olivia. Especially once their relationship sets off, you see how much he cares for her and is truly genuine about his feelings for her. He is quite noble and self sacrificing at times. The Heroine Olivia Hammond has had to take a load of responsibility on her shoulders especially since heR mothers death. She knew that this coffee and pie shop was her mothers dream and refuses to give up on it, especially knowing that it's the only thing that is keeping her father alive. Olivia is struggling but she is ever hopeful that something better will come her way and it does. She never expected that a prince...a real prince would walk through her door and proposition her while drunk....or keeping coming back until she said yes. And dating a prince is not like the storybooks. Olivia is a heroine you love from the get go!!! Like seriously, she rocked this story so much and I couldn't help but cheer her on. She is tough as nails but is also sweet and kind. She is a fighter especially when its something she has a passion for, but she is also realistic. I loved seeing her blossom in this story, and you see some character growth here, and my biggest love for her is the way she fights for herself and those she loves. Plot and Story Line Royally Screwed is a story that I got recommended by Michele over at Harlequin Junkie and I am so glad I one clicked this story. Now I have recently become a fan of Emma Chase through her Legal Briefs series. But this book was stellar amazing!!! I honestly couldn't put this down was so dang good and I just wanted it to never end because this couple....might be one of my all time favorite couples that I have read this year. I do love a good royal romance but it has been a while since I have read a contemporary royal romance and it knocked my socks off.....I honestly can't say enough how much I adored this book and every romance lover has to have this book in their collection!!! Now what makes this story so wonderful? Just about everything....the characters, the story line, the alternating POV, and the side characters just hit the spot; and the witty humor could have me laughing for days. Choosing between dull and dishonest is like being asked whether you want to be shot or stabbed. Now the romance that develops between these two is not what you would expect. At first they treat it like a fling, they have chemistry and want to explore it. But the part of the story that got to me, was when our hero is fully honest with Olivia and what his grandmother demands of him. But Olivia just shines here, because their relationship takes a turn where they decide to enjoy what time they have together and boy do they have some fun adventures here. Their relationship is passionate and wild but tender and sweet. They are just solid when they are together and you feel it from the very beginning. I love you, Olivia. I love you. And I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know how to let you go. It can be quite a tear jerker at times seeing them work their way to a happy ending, which isn't easy and their love is really tested at the end there....but dang did I have a wild fun time with these two. And I can't wait for book 2 HOOYAH!!! The Cover What a COVER!!! So mouth-watering and I just want to jump into his royal bed!!! Love the royal type colors used too. Overall View Royally Screwed is a romance that is poignant, irresistible to put down and written so beautifully!!!! A HEARTWARMING ROMANCE! [foogallery id="23809"]

3 stars ☆ a light and cliché royalty romance book that managed to pull me out of my reading slump and i actually enjoyed it.

Looking forward to what the next book will bring.

Great book with spice and plot depth. I have always loved hallmark royalty movies and this felt like that but with a ton of spice!! I was actually crying at the ending!

did i go into this thinking it would be good? No. Did i stay up till 3 am to finish it in one sitting? Yes.

** spoiler alert ** I don’t know what to feel about Livvy immediately taking back Nicholas after he humiliated not only her but also her family. I mean, granted he did give up his country for her but just. I felt like it wasn’t enough for what she went through in those last days in the palace.

the siblings' relationships saved this

En 2017 lei este libro y me encantó. Era divertido, romántico y me recordó a la típica romcom del 2000. En 2020 he descubierto que se trata de un libro plagiado. Decir que estoy decepcionada es quedarse corta. No solo es triste por parte de Emma Chase, también por parte de la editorial. Como alguien que desea con todo su corazón formar parte de este mundo, este caso me asusta y me da mucha pena. Espero que Pamela DuMond consiga ganar, merece justicia.

easy fun ready.

this book was a rollercoaster, absolutely loved it

I'm a sucker for royal type books.

A fun and relaxing read! Definitely a few similarities to the House of Windsor that as a Royal follower, were fun to pick out!

i'm living my 8-year old dream of marrying a prince vicariously through these books mind your business

This is my 4th book from Emma Chase, and I can say I was not disappointed. While it took me a few chapters to get into it, I quickly fell in love with Prince Nicholas. He is your typical tortured hero, but his charismatic personality and quick witted first person narration will make readers love him. Liv is a good match. I enjoyed her strength and desire to help her family, but I wish the back story with her mother and father (and resolution) had been a bit more fleshed out. The queen and Henry, however, stole the book for me. I am greatly looking forward to the next book in the series.

This one was part of my summer holiday reading list that I made and boy, am I glad it made it on the list. I loved this quick read with characters that draw you into the story and makes you want to find out what will happen next in their story. It is a little like The Prince and Me, but I am not complaining. Word of warning, once you pick it up you can’t put it down. Nicholas Pembrook is the Crown Prince of Wessco, he is charming and always gets what he wants, woman fall at his feet. Then one night he meets the dark-haired beauty who doesn’t fall at his feet. Olivia is a struggling business owner, with a pie restaurant that specialises in pies. Their story isn’t just the normal, boy meets girl, and they fall in love and live happily ever after. There are quite a few bumps along the road. I adored all the characters, except for Olivia’s father, I really don’t like him. I loved that Olivia wasn’t just this ditsy girl that will bow down, she was spunky and gutsy.

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads. Why in the world did I wait so long to read Royally Screwed? Seriously, why? I loved every single little thing about this book. The only good thing that came out of waiting so long to read it is I got to binge the entire series in one week and, well, I can't be mad about that. Nicholas and Olivia were amazing. I was shipping them from their first meeting, even as Nicholas was acting like an utter ass. I enjoyed being part of the story as these two got to know each other and as their relationship grew. It wasn't all perfect, but it was perfect for them and it felt as real as any prince meets "real woman" story does. It got messy, as you might expect when the hero has to marry someone who cannot be the heroine, but when it was all said and done I had a tear in my eye and a giant smile on my face. There were some very real feels during this book. Man oh man did I love this book. Emma Chase does such a great job with the male POV and her heroes are always arrogant on the outside but so much more underneath. I love her heroines just as much as the heroes, if I'm honest. Plus, there's a great cast of secondary characters — Harry, Ellie and Logan — and I couldn't wait to get their stories. Now that I've read all the books, I can say the entire series is amazing and it's totally binge-worthy. FAVORITE QUOTES "I don't want to put my cock anywhere near your dignity, love. I want to put it everywhere else." "We can't live for them. All we can do is try to be men worth dying for." My mother once told me that time was like the wind. It rushes over you, passes you—and no matter how hard you try, how much you want to, you can't hold onto it, and you can't ever slow it down.

I absolutely fell in love with this book, it made me tear up a lot but it was worth it. I will definitely be reading more books from this author.

I loved it, super fun twist on royal romance

Fun summer read and just the pick-me-up I needed. I loved that even though it's told in two first person narratives, you can clearly distinguish Olivia and Nicholas' chapters. Their personality shone through.

3,5 star

Blog | Twitter | Instagram (4.5) “Because this place, Olivia, it’s a pretty little shitheap—with a thousand bloodthirsty flies. But there is goodness here. I’ve felt it. I’ve found it.” She covers my hand, squeezing. “And my Simon loves Nicholas like a brother. So if he loves him, I know he is one of the good ones.” Well, well, well. It appears Emma Chase really knows how to get a girl's heart pounding when it comes to a delightful and ultimately frothy romance. You know the sort of romance book that is so good you kind of wonder if it's bad for you? The very novel you take with your all girls trip to the beach one hot summer weekend? This. Is. It. Royally Screwed takes you away in one full sweep of royalty, romance and steamy sex scenes. Chase weaves a heartwarming (and at times heartbreaking) tale of love, loss, life and inbetweens, sprinkled into a grand plot of the exploits of one royal family. Get ready for a wild ride, kids. You're going to need to sit still for this one. Royally Screwed is the ultimate summer book that women will be bouncing around in excitement over. Although it is not terribly unique (it isn't meant to be) in premise, it's still a delicious romance that will leave you with the warm and fuzzies. My experience with it was nothing but wonderful and it's definitely going down as one of my favourites in the better part of a decade. Which, coming from a gal who isn't particularly fond of romance novel's and their suffocating tropes, is pretty high praise. Not to toot my own horn, of course. The fact of the matter is that it's a bit cheesy--sure--and has a hell of a lot to offer besides the various tropes. Continued: BOOKEDJ