
I knew Arriane was going to go, and I knew Viv was going to go, but it didn't make it hurt any less. Also, I kind of wish Reth hadn't left. I vividly recall hating hi with a passion in the first two books, but he grew on me, he really did. I don't think he and Evie should have ended up together (not a snowballs chance in hell) but I just miss him. I wish he hadn't gone.


wow ok that ending sucked ;-;

I knew When I started this series I would fall in love with the characters, regardless of their sometimes stupid actions. So it's no surprise that I adore endlessly the third and final installment of the paranormalcy series. It was actually a breath of fresh air. I was hoping the brilliance that is Kiersten white would resurface in endlessly because I was a little let down by supernaturally. I think it was just the middle book syndrome that series tend to get. Evie came back with a punch. Her sarcastic yet witty sense of humor was back in action. I fell in love all over again. As with paranormalcy I loved lend to pieces. Everything he did just earned him that much more love. In the first two books there were a few characters that I actually disliked because of the arrogance and wanting to control everything. If you've read the series then maybe you can guess which ones. One was in book 1 and 2. The other showed up in book 2. Reth was evies faerie ex who I despised. He only seemed to care when it benefited him. I just wanted evie to tase him. He did revive himself in endlessly even with his manipulation he grew on me and in the end I felt connected to him and I hated to see him in the shape he was in, and you could tell evie felt the same way. The second was jack who appeared in book 2. Jack was a human who grew up in the faerie realms, and in book 2 tried to get evie to do some craptastic things. again, his character grew in this book, and I actually started to enjoy his snarky attitude. I especially loved reading his conversations with lend. MORE TO COME.

So this is the end. Actually I am pretty sad because I got so attached to this world Kiersten has built up in the three books. And I seriously have to say that this ending was fantastic. I couldn’t imagine how the story would end because in the last book I actually didn’t see any golden thread. Okay, there wasn’t a big fight at the end where many characters died and stuff like that, but still I enjoyed the last few pages. (Thank you Kiersten for not killing my favorite characters btw!) Evie was just Evie in this book. Even though she can be pretty annoying but she is just like that und you can’t hate her for being herself. I seriously will miss her and Tasey. But…even though I never expected this to happen but Reth was absolutely my favorite Character in this book. I loved everything what he has said to Evie and oh my god…I kinda understood why Evie felt attracted to him once. About the other characters…I will never be a big Lend fan but I liked him in this book more than in Supernaturally. The only character that was seriously unnecessary was Carlee. I mean, why was she still in this book? I could never feel a real friendship between her and Evie and besides she was so horribly annoying gosh. All in all. I enjoyed it and i will really miss this series.

As the conclusion to the Paranormalcy trilogy, I had high hopes for this book. Especially since I loved the first two installments. While I would not say I disliked the book, I was disappointed. I found the book to be unengaging and predictable. The way it ended was the right way to end the trilogy, and from the beginning of the book, you could guess what she would do. Personally, I am tired of the "love sick teenager" angle of many stories. And that is exactly what this book did to an extreme. I felt the writing was still well done and the plot line was decent. I wish there had been more action and I felt that the plot resolution was disappointing. By this point, Evie was getting annoying with her sole concern being on Lend. I understand that she loves him but she has other people counting on her as well. She needed to realize that and realize that the world does not revolve around her and Lend. I think my favorite character ended up being Reth because he knew what needed to be done and was willing to go to whatever lengths necessary to accomplish them. This is a trilogy that I am thankful I read from the library. While I might reread it in the future, it is not one that I would purchase. Unless it is on Amazon's Kindle Daily/Monthly Deals. Unfortunately this book only gets 3/5 stars for me.