Enlightenment Now The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress
An assessment of the human condition in the twenty-first century presents data demonstrating that life quality, health, prosperity, safety, peace, knowledge, and happiness are on the rise throughout the world because of the Enlightenment ideal of using reason and science.

Timeo Williams@timeowilliams

Nenad Nikolic@nnikolic72

Bouke van der Bijl@bouk

Nick Gracilla@ngracilla

Nelson Zagalo@nzagalo

Mounir Bashour@bashour

Diana Platgalve@dianaplatgalve

Jack Baty@jackbaty

Colton McCurdy@mccurdyc

Bruno Costa Teixeira@brunoctxa

Lucas Kohorst@lucaskohorst

Elena Kuran@elenakatherine

Heiki Riesenkampf@hrk


Coleman McCormick@coleman

Georgi Mitrev@gmitrev


Yan Aung@juni2or


Zack Apira@vatthikorn

Brad Lauster@bradlau

Matthew Royal@masyukun

Simon Lund Larsen@marsnielson

Keven Wang@kevenwang