
Seriously not a spoiler but…DAMN! Finally a book that isn’t a rollercoaster of emotions in which I want to kill someone for making bad decisions :P If you’ve read any of my reviews before you will know that I’m a person of extremely high morals and open-communication between couples. That being said…I haven’t been in a serious relationship in years so what the hell do I know? I believe in things being out in the open and honesty (even though my friends think that isn’t a good idea – that people should know your baggage later rather than sooner). For once…nothing bad happened, at least nothing bad that I can say. I was glad to read a book about Eva and Gideon that went…relatively without a hitch, (honestly I was tired of them not getting along or fighting about something). It was at the point where these two needed a break and finally got one. Thank god for Happily Ever Afters! Well…almost. Eva and Gideon are finally on the right track to where they should be – together. Gideon’s master plan has been relieved and now it’s just a matter of returning to where they used to be, personally and in the eye of the public. But when you’re one of the richest men in the world and the media has their eye on you, you have to be careful. Eva and Gideon have a lot of catching up to do and they just can’t manage to keep their eyes and hands off each other. Their relationship needs to move forward but can it if they can’t be together publically? There are still many secrets between the couple that need to be out in the open, but are they really ready to face the truth? As a reader, I’m usually one to talk about how there needs to be more drama in novels. The formula of a good romance novel needs to be changed in some ways to make it more exciting. But the formula for the Crossfire novels is pretty much nonexistent. There’s no slow incline, then climax (crisis), then decline into normality…NO! THESE TWO ARE ALL OVER THE GOD DAMN PLACE! You think they’re fine and then they fight and it makes me want to claw my eyeballs out. It’s interesting to have this theory of a successful romance novel challenged and keeps you on your toes. But at the same time…it is a nice change. “Day One of my life was the day I met you.” Entwined with You is, in my opinion, a happy novel. I wasn’t trying to kill someone for making bad choices, and that’s the important thing. Eva and Gideon were allowed some semblance of a happily ever after and I think that’s important. Some things in this novel scared me a little, just in terms of pacing… Everything between them happened so fast…I wondered if such things really happened in RL. It’d be interesting to hear the stories. It’s one thing to get married to people you’ve known since Kindergarden, but another thing to marry someone you’ve only known a few months? If that at all? (The timing in these novels confuses me…I think it’s only been a few weeks…) I think the thing I love most about these two is the chemistry. Both are so ready and willing to get down and dirty and I think that’s hot. I mean who knows how long it lasts but I mean how many couples do you know who have active libidos like that? ;) I often wonder what it would be like to have sex that frequent and that often…makes me all mellow inside – mellow in a good way. Seriously, how could you be stressed out when you have a man like Gideon in your life giving it to you pretty much…every day….at least once, maybe twice a day it seems. DAMN! I only wish I could find someone with great chemistry like that. I bet men and women in the world would be stress free if they knew what was waiting for them. “I look at you, angel, and I want you so badly. I want to be with you, listen to you, talk to you. I want to hear you laugh and hold you when you cry. I want to sit next to you, breathe the same air, share the same life. I want to wake up to you like this every day forever. I want you.” Three down, one to go, at least until the last book comes out which I hope is soon but I seriously doubt that. At least I’ve read these books and have no ragrets. Yes, you read that correctly, ragrets. 4/5 Hearts of Love

the plot gets too complicated to actually get anything across we're just skipping through various problems

I don’t know what to say— one minute I was reading it and puffff out it goes. Done. Well, I kinda like the 3rd book. Less drama, less toxic, more understanding and more love. And of course MARRIED! 🤵👰🏼💍💕 I’m giving this one a 4 out of 5 :) I’m happy.

Still absolutely loving this series! More twists and turns in the ever complicated relationship of Gideon and Eva and all those around them! Still so hooked on these books, filling all my free time reading them. I’m excited for what the next book has to offer! 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

4 stars is not entirely accurate—brb i gotta gather my thoughts

I’m actually a bit confused, this book started out great & somewhere along the lines it became a complete snooze fest & to think there are 2 more books??? It’s being draw out IMO. I honestly am at a loss for words. There’s so much I don’t understand in their relationship, it’s 100% NOT HEALTHY & I hope nobody thinks they are “goals”. I was really taken aback especially by the airplane scene on the way to the island. There’s a lot I don’t understand around some of the sex scenes based on the sexual trauma we know they both went through. I don’t think their relationship progressed in this book. Idk idk idk if I wanna spend the money on the next 2 book or listen to the reviews & just end it here even though I do want to know how it ends..

Nothing new to add - continue to love this series and I’m totally invested! I’m impressed that I’m not bored yet because I was totally over it by this stage of FSoG! Spice level 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶

Very choppy. I returned this title to Amazon after reading.

Oh Gideon <3

If souls could be mated with wishes, ours would be inextricably entwined. I’ll admit it: the Crossfire series has become something of a guilty pleasure for myself. An absolutely perfect sultry and dramatic beachy read. Oh, who am I kidding–I’m not one to believe in guilty pleasures, but if I were, Sylvia Day’s worldwide bestselling erotic series would be #1 on said list. Let me just admit it now: I am total Eva and Gideon trash. Together, apart, whatever–I love these two beautiful survivors and lovers. They’re realistic and flawed and while I’d never want a relationship quite as unhealthy as theirs, it’s fun to read and neither let each other get away with bullshit It’s steamy, it’s fun, it’s full of heartbreaking emotion and rich characters that can captivate just about any reader. Sylvia takes what we’ve learned about the characters and builds onto it, flipping us back and forth in our own conflicting emotions. As usual, she makes the emotion behind each character and their relationships jump out of the pages and hit your heart right where it hurts. Entwined with You emphasizes the usual sexiness and obstacles our couple is faced with, it barely makes mention of certain tings but still continues on with a lot. Continued @ BOOKEDJ.