Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl The Arctic Incident

ARTEMIS FOWL HAS ALWAYS RESENTED GOING TO SCHOOL, PREFERRING INSTEAD TO PLOT HIS NEXT CRIME. So when the young criminal genius learns that his father is being held prisoner by the Russian Mafiya, he cuts class and braves the sub-zero temperatures of the Arctic Circle to rescue him. As if having a band of gangsters on his tail isn't enough for the criminal mastermind, Artemis's old enemies, the fairy People, believe that he is supplying illegal human power cells (that's AA batteries to us) to the goblin gangs. But is he responsible - or is someone else arming the goblins? Maybe Artemis Fowl isn't trying to con the fairies. Maybe this time he needs their help. . . 'Fast, Funny and very exciting' - Daily Mail Back in COLOUR, back in ACTION 'A brilliantly drawn tale that blends outrageous fantasy with gripping action' - Big Issue 'This crime adventure story is made all the more compelling by the brilliantly detailed illustrations' - Scotland on Sunday Visit for more
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Photo of Nessa Luna
Nessa Luna@octobertune
3 stars
Jun 3, 2023
Photo of Madison Craft
Madison Craft@aurinova
4 stars
Mar 9, 2022