
Rereading this after several years, I'm surprised that Warriors actually hints at issues regarding climate change (floods, drought, and forest fire), PTSD and grief (Bluestar, Fireheart, and Cinderpelt especially), and "racism" (clan vs kittypet roots)

good cliffhanger at the end

very good ending. check first book (into the wild) for full review of the series

5 stars. buddy read I legit shed a tear in this one, and it was a fitting end but also shows a little bit of foreboding for the next set of series. I highly recommend this if you love middle grade read, and Game of Thrones-esque with different clans struggling to survive.

5 stars. buddy read I absolutely love it when the author piles on many things at the same time so there is little filler. This book was full of heartache even though it was predictable. Each book keeps getting better and that is rare. Highly recommend this series.

5 stars. buddy read Each book in this series only get better. This one in particular made me more frustrated, but I cannot wait for the next book. (view spoiler)[ Tigerclaw is ShadowClan's leader?! DUDE. Why would another clan take on another clan's warrior? And promote him as the leader?! They crazy. (hide spoiler)]

Easy the one off the best series I ever read!

** spoiler alert ** Once again a 5/5 read. This book was a great finale to the prophecies begin. Tigerstar is finally killed in this book, but an even bigger evil takes it place. The clans decide to unite and stand with Firestar against Scourge. Epic, right? Greystripe is made deputy after Whitestorm dies, but it should have been Longtail, clearly anyway i had a blast reading the first series and can’t wait to read the second series: the new prophecy!

** spoiler alert ** Another action filled book with tension and interesting characters. I just know I am gonna miss swiftpaw, but the arc with Brightpaw/Lostface is interesting (and sad and just heart wrenching) and the entire plot is gripping. Tigerstar is now leader of Shadowclan, but hasnt ever stopped thinking about his revenge and overtake of Thunderclan even killing multiple of his former clanmates to get his plan in motion. Possibly even making the first gap at the fence where the dogs where being kept in. Bluestar was killed in this book and though she was a great character I found myself appreciating the fact Fireheart gets to be leader. Love these cat books

** spoiler alert ** This book was, if possible, even better than the last. It had tension, it was exciting and it was dramatic. There were lots of tiny twists, but bigger ones weaved in between and I enjoyed then all. I cried when Runningwind & Yellowfang died, I’m gonna be honest and gasped when Tigerclaw appeared in the end though I already knew he was gonna. I thoroughly enjoyed this one; onto the next!