Escaping From Houdini

Escaping From Houdini

The #1 bestselling series that started with Stalking Jack the Ripper and Hunting Prince Dracula continues its streak in this third bloody installment . . . Audrey Rose and Thomas Cresswell find themselves aboard a luxurious ocean liner that becomes a floating prison of horror when passengers are murdered one by one, with nowhere to run from the killer. Embarking on a week-long voyage across the Atlantic on the opulent RMS Etruria , Audrey Rose Wadsworth and her partner-in-crime-investigation, Thomas Cresswell, are delighted to discover a traveling troupe of circus performers, fortune tellers, and a certain charismatic young escape artist entertaining the first-class passengers nightly. But privileged young women begin to go missing without explanation, and a series of brutal slayings shocks the entire ship. The strange and disturbing influence of the Moonlight Carnival pervades the decks as the murders grow more and more bizarre. It's up to Audrey Rose and Thomas to piece together the gruesome investigation before more passengers die before reaching their destination. But with clues to the next victim pointing to someone she loves, can Audrey Rose unravel the mystery before the killer's horrifying finale?
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Photo of Anna Oeltjenbruns
Anna Oeltjenbruns@annaoel
2.5 stars
Mar 20, 2025

Kerri I’m in your walls!!!!!!!!!

Photo of Alex Landau
Alex Landau@daetura
4 stars
Feb 4, 2025

This retained the same vibe as the previous books, but it definitely feels like the murders were second fiddle to the relationships between the characters. Also, it all takes place on the boat so some may absolutely hate that.

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of Linara K.S
Linara K.S@linara
3 stars
Jul 19, 2024

DNFed (eh it wasn't as exciting as the previous books. I feel as though this series is just a never-ending loop. I'm getting tired of it.)

Photo of Ellie M.
Ellie M.@arthieshelved
5 stars
May 5, 2024

Creepy boarding school to a luxury liner with an infamous magician and illusionist on board? The adventures of Audrey Rose and Thomas never stop! We even have Uncle Jonathan back, so things surely got more interesting. The villain never stops with their clever schemes, and now our favorite heroes are trapped on a ship so they have to find a way to stop a series of horrors to come following the first murder. Maniscalco knows how to captivate a reader’s imagination by painting the perfect picture of a murder mystery novel. As always, expect the unexpected from her books. Up to the very end I was hooked to the fact that I had no clue as to who the murderer really is. Truthfully, I either loved this or on the brink of not liking it so much. The lack of Thomas Cresswell in the picture for the majority of the book really put me off. And the conflict of Mephistopheles as a second-lead was more than enough to drive me nuts thinking if Cressworth will get their happy ending. And as much as I absolutely hate the idea of them parting ways, I suppose their relationship needed to become stronger and definite, and to make sure they’re not just equals in the forensic field, but to see if they can actually make it together as partners.

Photo of Jade Lexi
Jade Lexi@asdfghjklexi
4 stars
Jan 13, 2024

** spoiler alert ** AYDEN COME BACK 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Photo of nina
nina @ninaisreading
1 star
Jan 10, 2024

** spoiler alert ** because goodreads can’t let me rate this even lower :))

Photo of Vivi
2 stars
Jan 7, 2024

★★☆☆☆ (2) I’d fight a thousand battles and die a thousand ways before I allowed any harm to befall my love. look, si tuviera una pareja de la cual estoy perdidamente enamorada y luego, dicha pareja, coqueteara y se desapareciera con alguien más en frente de mis narices, i would be fucking pissed. thomas is better than me, porque yo no la habría perdonado.

Photo of revesjrnal
3 stars
Jan 7, 2024

the first book still my fav but I do think that this book is better than the 2nd one and the love triangle was just NOT IT it’s so unnecessary like ?!! but other than that I think this book has an interesting plot but idk it’s not enough to make me love it …

Photo of Liz Hunsaker
Liz Hunsaker@elizabethanne
4.5 stars
May 16, 2023

I still really liked this book but the murders were more convoluted and the all the clues were hard to keep straight. I like the 1 and 2 better.

Photo of Courtney
5 stars
Apr 28, 2023

Favorite one so far! I’m really glad that I stuck with this series. The first book didn’t captivate me at all. Hunting Prince Dracula reinterested me in the series and this third one has me hoping for more books in this series! I love Cresswell and Wadsworth so much!

Photo of Courtney
5 stars
Dec 30, 2022

5⭐️. The journey of Miss AudreyRose and Cresswell continues as they board the RMS Etruria with Dr. Wadsworth and head to New York. However, their journey across the Atlantic isn't for the faint of heart. During the first night of the Moonlight Carnival performance upon the RMS Etruria, a woman is slain and thus our investigative duo set out on the hunt to find the killer as the bodies begin piling up. The suspect list is extensive with the carnival crew, including the ringmaster Mephistopheles, whom Audrey Rose begins a flirtatious relationship with. Will this flirting come between Audrey Rose and Cresswell? Will the murderer seek out Audrey Rose's loved ones? Who is the next victim? And who is the killer? The story brings another historical figure, Harry Houdini, into the carnival mix. The liberties Kerri Maniscalco takes in this murder mystery fit perfectly in the SJTR series. We delve deeper into Audrey Rose's thoughts on who she is and who she will become. We get more banter and some sweet secret meetings between our dynamic duo, but will the ringmaster come between this epic love? Well you have to read to find out. I loved this story and can't wait to dive into the finale.

Photo of Emelie
4 stars
Oct 31, 2022

Best in the series!

Photo of Thais Souza Passos
Thais Souza Passos@thaayp
2 stars
Oct 22, 2022

[2,5 stars just because] What this book gave me was a feeling of being unnecessary in so many ways, starting with a love triangle (that Kerri tried explaining at the acknowledgments saying about being undercover and believing in everything), then the “farewell” at the end (that was not a real one), also THE FREAKING REPETITION OVER AND OVER *screams* I got angry at so many books and authors because of repetitions, like repeating itself in the chapters and throughout the book and not really going anywhere but just... staying there. GOD, JUST... NO The only thing that saved me from this sinking boat [no pun intended] was CRESSWORTH ALL THE FUCKING WAY (when Audrey Rose was not breaking Thomas’ heart and having some moments with Mephistopheles *vomiting sounds*) I understand that it’s the first time she actually has some freedom to make her choices, but... JUST DON’T. FOR PETE’S SAKE.

Photo of Yora
4 stars
Oct 3, 2022

Dit was weer echt een geweldig boek. Vooral de moorden te maken met de tarot cards vond ik erg origineel. Wel vond ik de second love interest absoluut vreselijk en kon ik me daaraan dood irriteren

Photo of yusra noorain
yusra noorain@nooor16
5 stars
Sep 17, 2022

the murders in this book were on a completely diff scale😭. absolutely loved this book! the ups nd downs of emotions especially the climax god. I haven't a clue on how to convince others to read this book from reading my review but man the book was jus so thrilling

Photo of Nicole Dykeman
Nicole Dykeman@holobookthief
4 stars
Aug 25, 2022

3.75 stars. This is the best book in the series so far. I am unbelievably invested in Thomas and Audrey Rose’s relationship. I wish she hadn’t spent so much of the book being a curious idiot with Mephistopheles. Not only did it seem a bit out of character for her, but THOMAS DESERVED BETTER. The little stolen moments with Thomas were my absolute favorite part of this book. The mystery of this one was better too. I never really know whodunit with Kerri Maniscalo, but that’s mostly because there are SO many suspects. Still, there were several points of this book that just seemed a little too unbelievable for me. Namely, the long villain’s monologue where all of their motives are revealed. And what are the chances that Liza would show up? Anyway, at this point, I’m excitedly looking forward to the next installment of this series and I’m glad I kept reading even when I didn’t really like the first book. And Thomas Cresswell has earned himself a spot on my ever-growing list of characters I would instantly marry if they proposed to me.

Photo of val
5 stars
Aug 24, 2022

Casi todo el mundo odió este libro. ¿Yo? Lo amé con todo mi corazón. Las aventuras de Audrey y Thomas están lejos de terminar. Ahora están de camino a la ciudad de New York para comenzar un nuevo capítulo en sus vidas, pero antes de eso tienen que resolver un nuevo misterio en medio del océano. De todos los pasajeros del trasatlántico, todo apunta a que al Carnaval, que se encarga de entretener a los pasajeros durante las noches, está detrás de esta serie de asesinatos; pero no será nada fácil descubrir quién es el asesino, no cuando todos parecen guardar más de un secreto y no pueden confiar en nadie, ni siquiera entre ellos mismos. "Most stories are too good to be true. That's what makes them enchanting." Como bien dije al principio, no ha muchas personas les gustó este libro, y hay diversas opiniones sobre este. En lo personal, a mí me encantó. Fue la combinación perfecta entre el misterio, el romance, y el drama; esos tres elementos fueron mi motivación para leer página tras otra sin detenerme. Sentí que Audrey Rose cambió bastante en este libro, y de cierta manera, la sentí más auténtica y determinada a ir tras lo que ella deseaba. Luego de tantas vueltas, ella aceptó sus sentimientos por Thomas, y cabe resaltar que fueron más que correspondidos. ¡Thomas la ama con todo su ser! Amé las escenas del principio, en donde no podían parar de lanzarse comentarios sagaces, ni mantener sus manos alejadas del otro; me hacían morir de amor una y otra vez. Por otro lado, me gustó ver una faceta más vulnerable de Thomas, donde se reflejaban sus miedos e inseguridades, y dejaba de lado su sarcasmo e ingenio. No todos los días leemos a personajes masculinos sufriendo por amor (aunque cada vez que Thomas sufría, yo sufría con él). Además, nos confirma una vez más que ama a Audrey Rose con todo su corazón; tanto como para dejarla ir si ella realmente no era feliz con él. ¿Por qué me gustó tanto este libro? El drama de este libro fue el triángulo amoroso, entre Audrey Rose, Thomas... y un nuevo personaje llamado Mephistopheles, el maestro de ceremonias del Carnaval. En mi opinión, creo que todo el asunto con Memphis, además de generar drama y angustia, sirvió para que Audrey Rose por primera vez en su vida cuestionara sus opciones con respecto a su futuro, y a quién le entregaría su corazón al final. Esa duda que cargó durante todo el libro me gustó, porque recordemos que ella apenas tiene 17 años y vivió toda su vida bajo las reglas de su padre; y aunque Thomas sea el primer chico del cual se enamora, no por eso debe de ser su única opción o la persona con la cual tiene que terminar. Obviamente, ella escogió a Thomas, confirmando que su corazón le pertenece a él y solo a él; y siento que eso fue un paso decisivo en su relación y lo que veremos en el siguiente libro. En fin, a pesar de todo lo malo que pudo tener este libro, realmente lo disfruté y se convirtió en mi favorito. Claramente tengo muchas ganas de leer el siguiente, pero me da mucha tristeza terminar esta saga y tener que decirle adiós tanto a Audrey Rose como a Thomas. Una mención honorífica a la señora Harvey, esa mujer sí que me hizo reír. La adoro. Ahora, ¡SPOILER ALERT! (view spoiler)[Audrey Rose otra vez se convirtió en la heroína de esta historia. Aunque esta vez no pudo salir ilesa, debido a que la herida de su pierna fue mucho más grave y ahora tendrá que usar un bastón por el resto de su vida. Si me lo preguntan, siento que era ilógico que no saliese herida o sin algún daño tras enfrentarse a cada asesino, simplemente no era realista. Además, para mí ese bastón ahora le dará un aire sofisticado, y estoy más que clara que no la limitará de ningún manera, ni mucho menos se interpondrá en su tarea de investigar asesinatos. (hide spoiler)]

Photo of Megan Lowe
Megan Lowe@booksandbubbletea
4 stars
Aug 21, 2022

I don’t think i enjoyed this book as much as the other two in the series. There wasn’t enough Thomas in it for me, although I did enjoy the addition of Liza. I also feel as if the mystery wasn’t fully solved. Still, this was a fun read and I’m looking forward to the final book in the series.

Photo of jaya
4 stars
Aug 15, 2022

3.5/5 — i have developed a severe case of joker brain because of this book

Photo of Savannah Winchell
Savannah Winchell@savantagonist
2 stars
Aug 14, 2022

Escaping from Houdini by Kerri Maniscalco 2⭐️ - normally these books are fun but this one was so poorly executed I couldn’t overlook anything - the mysteries have always been weak but this one was exceptionally so - Audrey seemed willfully stupid when she’s always been smart

Photo of marilynn
4 stars
Aug 13, 2022

"Hope is an invisible yet mighty force. Don’t dismiss its power.” Is my ship okay? Is it? Is it safe? I don’t know!! The epilogue didn’t bring me many answers either. They need to communicate, air it all out. THEY NEED TO HAVE A CONVERSATION. Hmph. "But you have my heart wholly, Wadsworth. No matter what. The only way that will be taken is in death. And even then I will fight with every piece of me to hold your love near. Now and forevermore.” THAT MEANS THEY'RE OKAY RIGHT? I can understand why this is the lowest rated book of the series. Audrey Rose acted like a typical YA character. Stupid. But even the best of us fall sometimes and that's okay I loved the book nonetheless. It was so good. The whole carnival thing, the tension, le danger. Chefs kiss But my favorite will remain the second one. I loved how the people were murdered (is that awfully bad of me to say? Oh well). It was very creative and the plot is way more complex than the previous two, combining all the clues and everything we have learned made me realize that my career as a detective is no Bueno. I, as per usual, had a long list of suspects, and the actual murderer was on it, (but let's be honest here with me everyone's a suspect) but I never actually gave that person a second glance. Damn my foolishness. Thomas Cresswell really is a dear isn't he? Just how much did he have to handle, how much patience and trust he had needed to not break down and retain his cool. You deserve a medal my guy. Metamorphosis, (whatever his name is I can never for the life of me remember): 🧚‍♀️ C H O K E 🧚‍♀️ He's not that bad but he stood in the way of my ship and therefore he must succumb to death. I don’t make the rules. *shrugs* Mrs. Harvey will forever and always have my heart. God bless her soul. How can I not like her when the comments she makes are absolutely divine? “Look at those knots,” Mrs. Harvey whispered, “he’ll have a dickens of a time getting out of those. I wonder if he’s got a knife stashed in his trousers… certainly appears that way.” Harry Houdini was described as having his hair split from the middle and now I can only see him as an e-boy… Yikes. This book was the perfect way to end my summer as I start school tomorrow. So the pressure to finish it today were sky high.

Photo of Meghan M
Meghan M@megsbookthoughts
5 stars
Aug 12, 2022

I loved the mystery and Kerri Maniscalco again made me fall in love with the characters, both old and new! I recommend anything in this series and written by her!

Photo of jenn kause
jenn kause@kote
4 stars
Aug 11, 2022

This one is 1 star less than the others only because of how infuriating I found Audrey’s decisions in this book. I love Thomas with my whole heart and she just frustrated the HELL out of me in this one

Photo of Ingrid
Ingrid @nola
3 stars
Aug 1, 2022

This left me feeling “meh”. It started out really strong. It gave me Caraval but more sinister. As we went along, I started to loose interest. I can’t quite put my finger on what it was that left the “meh” feeling. Unsure if I will read the final book.


Photo of Sarah
Sarah @sarahfathim1787

“There was no world I wanted to live in where Thomas Cresswell wasn’t a part of it. No matter the odds stacked against us, I’d fight for him until I drew in my last, shuddering breath. Even in death I’d never stop coming for those who threatened my family. Because that’s what Thomas had become. He was mine—I’d chosen him just as he’d chosen me, and I’d defend him with everything I had. Our friendship had caught fire and blazed with something powerful and untamed. Something I’d been foolish to ever doubt.”

im in a mood to reread, and I wanna reread this series. the actual loml 🫶

Photo of Jade Hérail
Jade Hérail @jaededchessie

"Don't make me sneak spiders into your cabin,"I said. “I am not above dirty warfare." "You delightfully cruel woman." His eyes practically danced with mischief. "What does it say about me that I find myself even more attracted to you after that threat?"

Pg 188