Essays One
A selection of essays on writing and reading by the master short-fiction writer Lydia Davis Lydia Davis is a writer whose originality, influence, and wit are beyond compare. Jonathan Franzen has called her “a magician of self-consciousness,” while Rick Moody hails her as "the best prose stylist in America." And for Claire Messud, “Davis's signal gift is to make us feel alive.” Best known for her masterful short stories and translations, Davis’s gifts extend equally to her nonfiction. In Essays I: Reading and Writing, Davis has, for the first time, gathered a selection of essays, commentaries, and lectures composed over the past five decades. In this first of two volumes, her subjects range from her earliest influences to her favorite short stories, from John Ashbery’s translation of Rimbaud to Alan Cote’s painting, and from the Shepherd’s Psalm to early tourist photographs. On display is the development and range of one of the sharpest, most capacious minds writing today.

wish i read this at 17 glad i read it now :-)

Celine Nguyen ✿@celinenguyen
This was so extraordinary. The essays on revising her work, as well as the close readings of small and perfectly formed passages from other writers, have such a penetrating and careful discussion of what makes for good and lively writing. It is so nice to see how Lydia Davis revises and weighs her words. The essay on Flaubert (and Flaubert’s innovative use of l’imparfait) finally convinced me to practice my high school French again, something I haven’t felt a sincere urge to do for years! Strongly recommend for anyone who wants to be pleasantly and energizingly immersed in good writing, good writing about writing, and formally experimental and intriguing essays.

Will Vunderink@willvunderink

Jacob Mishook@jmishook

Gregor Gross@gregorgross