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Eva Charles2022

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Photo of freya.nightwolf
5 stars
Aug 11, 2023

What a book! thank God it picks up right where we were left off. The raw emotions in this book... absolutely stunning. 

And now Antonio realizes how much of an ass he was. Good morning sunshine!!!!! This book was so intense and Daniela grew so beautifully into a woman who doesn't hide her emotion anymore. And after she tells her story, she's so much stronger. Daniela is a force of nature.

Antonio... well boy, Valentina is your new weakness :))) I love how he's protecting her, and also, how he gently pushes her to face her demons. We can see a little evolution in his character too. He's still a maniac :))) but I think he finally listens. I'm so happy he had Grey open his eyes a little bit. He has a dangerous life, he's a powerful man, and any woman associated with him with have been a target, but Daniela really is the best partner for him. I think he finally sees that and accepts it. 

Rafa is a sweetheart. The way he is with Valentina... like a big brother and instantly takes her under his wing. Antonio raised him well.

THAT ENDING!!! This is not good for our hearts!!! :)) With all the spice, plot, torture, and action, that is the ending that will end us :)))) 

Photo of Lyndsy Argento
Lyndsy Argento@lyndsyc32
1 star
Jan 16, 2024
Photo of Hyacinthe Karin
Hyacinthe Karin@hyacinthe
5 stars
Jan 7, 2023