
Eversea A Love Story

Natasha Boyd2013
Eversea, a love story, is a Winter Rose Contest FINALIST 2013. Emilia Pisani of Simon & Schuster (judge) says "Great Southern Flavor!" and "Jack is an alluring leading man!" "I LOVED this book!" and "This book is escapism at its very best. It is a beautiful coming of age story with lots of lovely romance mixed in." Laura Carter, Founder New Adult Book Club on Goodreads and Bookish Treasure Blog. "I absolutely loved it. I really couldn't get enough." Jess, Book Passion for Life Blog "Oh EM GEE. What the heck just happened to me " ... and ... "Can't wait for book 2!" Michelle, All Romance Reviews Blog An orphaned, small-town, southern girl, held hostage by responsibility and self-doubt. A Hollywood A-list mega-star, on the run from his latest scandal and with everything to lose. A chance encounter that leads to an unlikely arrangement and epic love affair that will change them both forever. When his co-star and real-life girlfriend is caught cheating on him with her director, A-list hottie, Jack Eversea, finds himself in sleepy Butler Cove, South Carolina. Jack hopes the sultry southern heat in this tiny coastal Lowcountry town will hide him not only from the tabloids and his cheating girlfriend, but his increasingly vapid life and the people who run it. He doesn't count on meeting Keri Ann Butler. Keri Ann has relied on herself so long, dealing with her family's death and the responsibilities of keeping up her family's historic mansion, that boys and certainly the meager offering of eligible boys in Butler Cove, have never figured into her equation. But fate has other plans. Suddenly face to face with the man who played the movie role of her favorite fictional character, Jack has Keri Ann yearning for everything she has previously avoided ... and Jack must decide whether this funny, sassy girl is worth changing his life for, before his mistakes catch up to him.
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Photo of Anna Ureta
Anna Ureta@akiikomori
5 stars
Jan 23, 2023

WARNING: May contain minor spoilers. PRAISE TO AUTHOR NATASHA BOYD! For blowing me completely out of the water with her debut novel Eversea. My God. Just. My God. And all the other Gods or whatever God or spiritual existence you believe in, just…wow! This book took me COMPLETELY by surprise, it took my heart captive, and now I’m completely addicted to Jack Eversea. (Can he be real and can I stalk him?) There aren’t many books that I can say I’ve been emotionally connected to, but this one has definitely made the list. Romance, heartbreak, and a love powerful enough to change people. It just completely blew me out of the water. Meet Keri Ann Butler, just an young woman dealing with the tragic death of her family, while being the only remaining member to keep her family’s historic house intact. Her daily life remains a constancy of working at the restaurant and trying to keep her house from coming down on her. Having friends and a social life is okay, having a boy in her life is definitely not part of the equation…until a stranger stumbles in just before closing. Jack Eversea has been every girl’s wet dream for years. He stars in a movie adaptation of a novel called Warriors of Erath, a book that Keri Ann and her friends have been obsessed with for ages . Never in her wildest dreams did she dream that the infamous Jack Eversea would walk into her little town and stumble into her life. Now Keri Ann has to decide whether she wants to open her heart to the man every girl dreams about, or if she wants to chalk it all up to life experience. I have to admit, this book was sitting in my Amazon cart for the longest time. I just didn’t see the appeal for it… Even after all the reviews and the ratings, there just wasn’t much pulling me to the book to buy it. It has a GORGEOUS cover, and something that is really appealing and eye-catching, but I wasn’t 100% sure I was all convinced about the story. No matter how much people were ranting and raving about it I just wasn’t sure. Still, I bought Eversea and the sequel Forever, Jack in the hopes that I would like them…turns out I LOVED IT! After you’ve been reading romance novels for a while part of your senses where the story will go. The guy will chase the girl, they fall in love, blah blah blah, it’s always the same pattern. Even with this novel, the pattern may be the same but the approach is different. I can see Jack and Keri Ann being TOTALLY REALISTIC characters based off real people. The way they respond, the way they communicate and exchange conversation…that’s what makes a good author. With these two, you were never really sure what they were going to say or what they wanted out of a potential relationship. I felt like the entire time I was reading, I was holding my breath because I was afraid someone would just make a terrible mistake and ruin everything. It didn’t feel…obvious, is what I’m trying to get at. I loved Keri Ann and I love her POV/voice. It is so refreshing to see strong independent women in novels. But you know what they say, “A real woman can do it by herself, but a real man won’t let her.” There’s a lot of truth to this saying. Keri Ann carries a lot of pride with her and carrying the Butler name. She doesn’t want pity, she doesn’t want hand-me-outs, she wants to prove she can do it on her own, and that’s an amiable quality. But when Jack Eversea comes along the last thing he does is pity her, he wants to help her just for the sake of helping her, and no other reason. She’s so mature for her age and acts so responsible. Sometimes it makes you feel sorry for her that at her age she should be going out, discovering herself and having fun. Now, Jack Eversea. This man….needs to get on every girl’s book boyfriend list, because this man is….definitely something else. Not only is he swoon-worthy, and famous, but he’s genuinely kind and generous, he really cares for the people closest to him, and really wants to do right by Keri Ann. Although there’s an undeniable attraction between the two of them, he realizes that he’s in one world and she’s in another. No matter how badly he wants to be with her there are promises he has to fulfill. I mean how would you act if Stephen Amell, Ian Somerhalder, or David Tennant walked into your life and wanted a relationship with you? It’s too good to be true. But he isn’t a fool, he knows who and what he is and he doesn’t use that to take advantage of Keri Ann, and even acknowledges that he has to go back to stardom eventually and doesn’t want to break her heart. The pacing of the book is perfect, the length is stellar, there book really is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! If you haven’t read it yet, take it from me and pick it up after you finish your current read. You won’t regret it. Boyd has created something special in Jack, and it’s hard to believe this is her debut novel! I can see this being picked up by Galley or Atria in the near future. Don’t wait! Pick up Eversea and read it TODAY! 6/5 Hearts of Love Check out the rest of my reviews at http://www.akiikomorireading.com

Photo of Elif Gültekin
Elif Gültekin@unexpectedbook
4 stars
Feb 17, 2022

Klasik bir yorumla söylemeliyim ki zaman geçirmek için kolayca okunabilir bir kitap. Her ne kadar konusu farklı olmasada bu tarz kitaplara insanın ihtiyacı oluyor arada. Ama sonu keşke burada bitmeseydi :(( ikinci kitap elime geçer geçmez başlayacağım.

Photo of Aundreya Rich
Aundreya Rich@readinginwatercolor
5 stars
Feb 9, 2022

I am so in love with this book. Jack Eversea is a dream. And I love how he loves her. I read it in a day and am starting the second one. Oh boy am I in love everyone must read

Photo of Kim
5 stars
Oct 6, 2021

Find this review and more on my blog. “If I’d known you were in my future, I would have chosen differently.” – Jack “If you had chosen differently, you would have never found me.” – Keri Ann How can you not love Jack and Keri Ann? I certainly couldn’t resist them. This book absolutely sucked me in. Somewhere along the way this summer, I became a bit enamored with books with one famous and one “regular” person. It started with T. Torrest’s Remember When and has grown from there. Keri Ann was a small-town girl with sass. She was real. She was feisty. It wasn’t like she was living under a rock and didn’t know who Jack Eversea was. She knew. She knew his movies. She was a fan, but not a huge fan. She was able to separate the real Jack from the characters he portrayed. There’s no doubt in my mind that she fell in love with the real Jack. What started out as an unlikely friendship based more or less on a chance encounter, grew into something beautiful and took me along for the ride. “He was like a bright and beautiful rogue planet. He pulled the entire galaxy into a gravitational wobble until he got close enough to suck you in and tilt your axis head over heels.” Jack was the perfect leading man. It goes without saying that he’s absolutely gorgeous. But, he’s more than that. He’s sweet and thoughtful. He’s vulnerable. Keri Ann gave him a lot of grief for being conceited at the beginning of their friendship, but I didn’t get that vibe from him. It was apparent how much he cared for Keri Ann in the things he did for her and in their banter. They had tons of chemistry, but it went well beyond that. I loved the back and forth in their dialogue. I loved that Keri Ann gave him “what for” when he deserved it. “I was never one to pull a band aid off slowly. Besides, we could be struck by lightning right now and I don’t think I’d feel it or care. I want you inside me, Jack. Now. Not slowly, but like right now.” But, because nothing can ever be easy in the books I love, with the characters I love, there’s much more to this story. A clause written into Jack’s contract states he has to remain in a very public relationship with an incredibly manipulative (and more than slightly evil) actress named Audrey Lane. We don’t see Audrey much in this book, thank goodness, but she does drop in just long enough to drop a soul-crushing twist that ruins everything. “How did he look at me?” I whispered, suddenly craving validation of Jack’s feelings from anyone but myself and my subjective imagination. Joey sighed, resigned. “Like you were the last chopper out of Baghdad, the last IV in the field hospital, the last funnel cake at the fair. Jesus, I don’t know.” This book made me feel all the feels. I laughed and cried along with the characters. I enjoyed the perfect mix of romance, humor, angst, and sexy time the author delivered. The small-town setting was well-executed. The characters had depth. I loved (almost) all of them. From the best friend, Jazz, to the brother, Joey, and even the cook, Hector. They were all wonderful and left me wanting more. The book ended with a pretty shocking cliffhanger. The next book literally can’t get here soon enough. And on that note, the author shared a teaser on her Facebook page a couple weeks ago: “Thanks for calling me back. Sorry to freak you out.” I greeted Jazz. Jazz’s voice was breathy, quiet and worried. “Word, what’s the matter? Are you ok? Is Joey … ?” “Fine, he’s fine. Sorry to freak you out. I’m fine, I just … Oh, God, Jazz. Jack is back in Butler Cove.” There was no other way to say it. “Oh my God. Seriously? Did you see him or you heard? Wait, start at the beginning.” “I saw him.” Looking out the window, I could the silvery dark silhouettes of the massive trees in my front yard as a sliver of a moon made it through the cloud cover. The rain looked like it was finally over. I sighed and told her the whole story. When I was done, she chuckled. “Damn, girl. Most of us could only wish to have an exit like that. How freakin’ awesome.” “It wasn’t awesome, Jazz. It was a nightmare. And he just stood there. Smiling,” I added disdainfully. She laughed again, with glee. “Oh, it’s priceless! Just in case he forgot who Keri Ann Butler is, you managed to remind him like a two-by-four to the head.” ~ Eversea 2 (Forever, Jack) Sigh. Is it November yet?

Photo of Jessica Nottingham
Jessica Nottingham@hdbblog
4 stars
Sep 1, 2021

Ah, Butler Cove. We meet Keri Ann Butler at a part of her life where things are in flux. She's lost her parents, inherited a home that is slowly falling apart, and doesn't know where her future is headed. I have to admit that I wholeheartedly loved Keri Ann. She's bright, funny, and the perfect amount of gutsy. In fact, I actually liked her a lot more than I thought I would. There's a big stigma in this book about her being a virgin, and I can't deny that I was worried she'd be naive. She might be slightly, but let me tell you that she's lovable too. As for Jack, he took me a little while longer to warm up to. From the beginning, he appeared a bit arrogant. I guess that's to be expected if you're a movie star? However he soon grew to be someone I enjoyed reading about. Keri Ann definitely brought out the best in him. If you're a fan of characters who are sarcastic and witty, he's your man. I loved the chemistry and banter between Jack and Keri Ann. Call me girly, but it made me feel all swoony inside. Admittedly there is a bit of insta-love in this book. Don't worry, it's bearable. I was able to overlook it simply because these two were so sweet with one another. In fact, I didn't even really mind that the storyline was a little predictable. That's saying a lot, because I normally get easily annoyed by that. Instead, I was too busy gushing over the sweetness that pours off these pages. Best of all? This was an extremely quick and easy read. I ate it up like candy. Need a book to break things up? Try this. There is a cliffhanger! I'll admit that I'm now absolutely ready to dive into the sequel. More Jack, more Keri Ann, more sweetness! Have I used that word enough? Grab some chocolates, kick back in your favorite comfy clothes, and dive into Eversea. You won't regret it!

Photo of Andrea Fritz
Andrea Fritz@aayaya
5 stars
Mar 27, 2022
Photo of Megan Williams
Megan Williams@meganwilliams
5 stars
Feb 24, 2022
Photo of Chelsea Bates
Chelsea Bates@colorofmysky
4 stars
Oct 28, 2021
Photo of Paula Rachow
Paula Rachow@rachow
4 stars
Oct 25, 2021
Photo of S. M.
S. M. @sm_books
2 stars
Oct 18, 2021
Photo of Sara Alfaro
Sara Alfaro@salfaro
5 stars
Sep 26, 2021
Photo of Laura
2 stars
Sep 2, 2021