Everyone's a Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too A Book

JOMNY ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Review A funny beautiful & existential look at what makes us human, wrote from the perspective of an alien. I always revisit this book when I am feeling hopeless about humans. (This was a re-read.) Recommend to a friend? Yes Read again? Yes Inspired me to create? Yes Filled me with the inescapable dread that I will never be able to make something as good as this? Yes

3.5 stars what a cute book. there were moments where i personally resonate with the truth that was told in the book. not really sure what else to say other than the fact that this book was happy, sad, inspiring, cynical, and unexpectedly educational about art/beauty, identity, love, and life itself.

oh man i loved this one

I cannot put it into words how much this book somehow comforts me. The arts are charming, the story is easy to follow, the message is well delivered. Thoroughly enjoyed every bits of it.

One of the most charming and witty perspectives on life I’ve encountered that is both delightfully simple and complex at the same time.

This was a cute little book, extremely complex but deceitfully simple. It is both joyful and sad, hopeful and dark. I really enjoyed this book, however it was not life-altering for me and didn't make me feel very deep feelings, which seemed to be the case for a lot of readers, so I couldn't say it's a new favorite. I might re-read parts of it from time to time though, as some panels were really cute.


This was such a perfect mix of cute, funny, deep, and just plain strange sometimes. There was wisdom on every page, but also plenty to furrow your brows at.

I adored this

This was just really cute. :)

Actual rating: 3.5 stars.

I loved this graphic novel so much. It has a really sweet message and all the characters Jonny the Aliebn interacts with are sweet. I would recommend this book to anyone. It's listed as an adult graphic novel but I think it has a message kids could relate to as well, as Jonny struggles to fit in and find his tribe of friends.

Ah I just read this in 30 minutes and it was beautiful! Such simple art but amazing incorporation of needed messages. 5 our of 5 An awesome graphic novel

“Perhaps the only thing sadder than saying goodbye to a friend is knowing that they will never be the same as who u remember them to be.” I can't tell whether I feel sad or happy after reading this. :(

It's cute and meaningful but it didn't wow me. Very easy read tho.

I want like this entire book tattooed on my body

My Review: Hi guys, I found this book really good. It made you think after each page. Making me realize of metaphors, life, toxic relationship, mental illnesses, so many things. I did not like it as much. This book does not lead full pages of words or paragraph to be enjoyed. I would recommend it to anyone. Even kids. I think it should be put in schools. Yes, its are written with non-correct words. I think that what I like the most about it. I gave it a 4 Stars And would re-read it and will re-read it for sure. Jozay XO

I'm so disappointed. Some of these panels were actually pretty cute and the sweet friendships managed to put a smile on my face. But most of it was maladroit attempts at philosophy that just absolutely did not hit the mark for me. Such a fun and cheery concept but wow this fell so short.

EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS JUST BECAUSE ITS SO SWEET AND WHOLESOME. This is so precious. This is such a good book for someone who is struggling with mental health because it has that pure and innocent touch to such a difficult and sometimes dark topic. It is so wholesome and so precious. And Jomny is a precious little alien. And reading it made me feel less anxious about being alive and it was so cute. Precious. So precious and wholesome and just... PERFECTION.

Qn uplifting read. Exactly what I needed when I needed it

4.5 stars It was a roller coaster of emotions, but I’m glad I went through all of them while reading it. I kinda want to hug this book. A lot.


Hade så höga förväntningar, men den föll otroligt platt

enjoy ur sadness. one day even ur sadness will be over too soon