Everything I Know About Love

Everything I Know About Love

THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER WITH A NEW CHAPTER ON TURNING THIRTY 'There is no writer quite like Dolly Alderton working today and very soon the world will know it' Lisa Taddeo, author Three Women 'The book we will thrust into our friends' hands. Alderton feels like a best friend and your older sister all rolled into one and her pages wrap around you like a warm hug' Evening Standard Award-winning journalist Dolly Alderton survived her twenties (just about) and in Everything I Know About Love, she gives an unflinching account of the bad dates and squalid flat-shares, the heartaches and humiliations, and most importantly, the unbreakable female friendships that helped her to hold it all together. Glittering with wit, heart and humour, this is a book to press into the hands of every woman who has ever been there or is about to find themselves taking that first step towards the rest of their lives. 'Alderton is Nora Ephron for the millennial generation' Elizabeth Day 'Steeped in furiously funny accounts of one-night stands, ill-advised late-night taxi journeys up the M1, grubby flat-shares and the beauty of female friendships, as Alderton joyfully booze-cruises her way through her twenties' Metro 'Deeply funny, sometimes shocking, and admirably open-hearted and optimistic' Daily Telegraph 'A sensitive, astute and funny account of growing up millennial' Observer 'I loved its truth, self awareness, humour and most of all, its heart-spilling generosity' Sophie Dahl 'Alderton proves a razor-sharp observer of the shifting dynamics of long term female friendship' Mail on Sunday 'It's so full of life and laughs - I gobbled up this book. Alderton has built something beautiful and true out of many fragments of daftness' Amy Liptrot *Winner of Autobiography of the Year at the National Book Awards 2018* *A Waterstones Paperback of the Year 2019* *A Sunday Times paperback of the year 2019* *Selected for Stylist's The Decade's 15 Best Books by Remarkable Women*
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Photo of Ella Williams
Ella Williams@ellawilliams
4.5 stars
Mar 25, 2025

So funny!

The perfect book for any girl in their twenties to read!!!

Photo of Ari
4.5 stars
Feb 16, 2025
  • lovely book, beautiful stories i felt like i can relate to a lot of them, would recommend to any girl in their early 20s

Photo of Cristina
4.5 stars
Jan 30, 2025

Auch wenn ich ewig gebraucht habe um es zu lesen, ein sehr schönes Buch über Freundschaft

Photo of minji kim
minji kim@lovehaejuseyo
4.5 stars
Nov 9, 2024

really beautiful outlooks and thoughts about life, love, career, and growing up as a woman. everything in this book spoke to me so deeply that i am still thinking about this book after months of finishing it. amazing memoir by dolly alderton, so touching and so honest.

Photo of Pharrèl Nadia Frieswijk
Pharrèl Nadia Frieswijk@pharrelnadia
2 stars
Oct 20, 2024

I didn't finish the book I stopped halfway. Maybe because I read it very little throughout the summer but I don't really like how the book is written. It's a very slow read. But I believe it is a heartwarming book for some people, just not for me :)

Photo of lara
3 stars
Oct 11, 2024

Such an easy read, I found this to be an escape from my real life activities. Certain chapters like "Nothing Will Change" and "Florence" were very well written, raw and honest. I think those were the chapters that affected me most simply because they were the ones I myself could relate to a lot. Got from this book exactly what I expected I would.

Photo of Aina
4 stars
Sep 24, 2024

This book is amusing yet at the same time it’s like listening to a big sister’s advice. It talks about navigating your way through love, life, friendships and relationships in your youth. As someone in her twenties, I could relate so much to her especially when it comes to having your best friends getting into serious relationships and you’re just… there. It did comfort me and made me realize that it’s okay to feel that way. Your feelings are valid.

Photo of farro
2 stars
Sep 14, 2024

I couldn’t get myself to read beyond 50 pages pls it reads like a millennial rant and went on and on with no substantial content to actually connect with 😕 bleh!

Photo of Joe
4 stars
Aug 17, 2024

Easy read, I think I related to it largely on being in the same stage of life and born in the same era. I don't know if I would have enjoyed it as much otherwise.

Photo of Kaylee Weaver
Kaylee Weaver@dorothykay
4 stars
Aug 10, 2024

The first half of this book was 1 star for me - meandering, silly, and poorly edited. The second half was 5 stars - filled with touching anecdotes, brilliant truths, and quotes to remember for life. Whether this was intentional to show the author’s growth or not remains unclear. The second half is worth sticking with it through the first.

Photo of debbie <3
debbie <3@debbiereadslittle
3.5 stars
Aug 7, 2024

very slow and then got very interesting so i continued reading until i finished and was left little unsatisfied…

Photo of Emily
4.5 stars
Aug 5, 2024

Nur Liebe und viele gute Weisheiten.

Photo of Sadie Hoffman
Sadie Hoffman@sadieolympia
3 stars
Aug 1, 2024

good but not very memorable 💙💚

Photo of Victoria Oge-Evans
Victoria Oge-Evans@vicky-oe-44
5 stars
Jul 27, 2024

this was like listening to fresh gossip! i loved it all the stories were so brilliant visual. I could picture all the places around england she was describing which made it even better

Photo of Kirsten Kim
Kirsten Kim@kirstenkim
4 stars
Jul 22, 2024

“to lower your heart rate and drift off on nights when sleep feels impossible, dream of all the adventures that lie ahead of you and the distances you’ve traveled so far. wrap your arms tightly round your body and, as you hold yourself, hold this one thought in your head: i’ve got you.”

Photo of Cici Pearson
Cici Pearson@cocoisabird
3 stars
Jul 21, 2024

the start of this felt disjointed and slow but when it got into the flow and used to the rhythm i really enjoyed it. as a person who turned 30 in April this year i think i needed the last third of it more than i knew.

Photo of moonstone
5 stars
Jul 19, 2024

love this book with my whole heart

Photo of Ksenija
Ksenija @ksenksen
5 stars
Jul 18, 2024

This book is great, so much insight about life with family,friend and love! Having read this at the beginning of my 20s, I could not relate to everything but I feel more prepared? now for what the future holds. I love the variation of writing from emails to lists, it made it not boring to read. So many relatable and funny moments too!

Photo of Aiko van de gaer
Aiko van de gaer @aikovdg
5 stars
Jul 17, 2024

Damn this was a good book

Photo of Ashley Gallagher
Ashley Gallagher@ashgallagher
3.5 stars
Jul 15, 2024

Quintessential memoir about being in your 20s

Photo of Mae
4.5 stars
Jul 15, 2024

Note: Last last year read

Photo of gülsu
1.5 stars
Jul 2, 2024

yine cok sıkıldım cok beklentim vardı

Photo of Liyah 🤎
Liyah 🤎@aallen1019
2 stars
Jun 17, 2024

Not a fan of this book at all. The author was a terrible tornado of a person who didn't seem to learn from her mistakes. Made it a real slog to get through. I also blame TikTok marketing for my disappointment people made it seem like this was the self-care/self-help book of the year I didn't even fully realize it was a memoir until I started reading it myself and I hate memoirs. Audiobook made it more bearable.

Photo of armoni mayes
armoni mayes@armonim1
3 stars
Jun 17, 2024

I knew i shouldn’t have read this because i knew i wouldn’t be able to relate to a british white woman in her 30s but I gave it a go anyways. i wouldn’t reread or recommend this book. it wasn’t horrible persay, just wasn’t for me


Photo of Pharrèl Nadia Frieswijk
Pharrèl Nadia Frieswijk@pharrelnadia

ʻI mean...he's only away for a few days. Tknow, but I still miss himn when he's gone. And I get excited to see him, every time. Even if he just goes to the corner shop and comes back, I look forward to hearing the front door open again. She saw my frown. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true.


Photo of Pharrèl Nadia Frieswijk
Pharrèl Nadia Frieswijk@pharrelnadia

Your mum would clean the house before they came and they would talk about their children's coughs and plans for their hair. When we were kids, Farly once said to me: Promise we'll never get like that. Promise when we're fifty we'll be exactly the same with each other. I want us to sit on the sofa, stuffing our faces with crisps and talking about trash.

Page 133

Ik en de Jillies

Photo of lara

A reminder that no matter what we lose, no matter how uncertain and unpredictable life gets, some people really do walk next to you for ever.

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Photo of lara

I don't really care where I live when I'm older, I just want to live near you.

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Photo of lara

A week into my big New York adventure, I realized that places are kingdoms of memories and relationships; that the landscape is only ever a reflection of how you feel inside.

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Photo of lara

Farly squeezed my hand underneath the table twice, fast and hard. I knew what it meant. A universal, silent Morse code for "I'm here, I love you. At that moment I realised everything had changed: we had transitioned. We had chosen each other. We were family. (...) My mess only takes proper shape with that familiar and favourite piece of my life standing next to me. (...) She is, in short, my best friend.

Page 88
Photo of Aina

When you’re looking for love and it seems like you might not ever find it, remember you probably have access to an abundance of it already, just not the romantic kind. This kind of love might not kiss you in the rain or propose marriage. But it will listen to you, inspire and restore you. It will hold you when you cry, celebrate when you're happy and sing All Saints with you when you're drunk. You have so much to gain and learn from this kind of love. You can carry it with you for ever. Keep it as close to you as you can.

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Photo of Aina

More often than not, the love someone gives you will be a reflection of the love you give yourself. If you can't treat yourself with kindness, care and patience, chances are someone else won't either.

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Photo of Aina

Nearly everything I know about love, I've learnt in my long-term friendships with women. Particularly the ones I have I have lived with at one point or another. I know what it is to know every tiny detail about a person and revel in that knowledge as if it were an academic subject. When it comes to the girls I've built homes with, I'm like the woman who can predict what her husband will order at every restaurant.

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Photo of Aina

Rip open hearts with your fury and tear down egos with your modesty. Be the person you wish you could be, not the person you feel you are doomed to be. Let yourself run away with your feelings. You were made so that someone could love you. Let them love you.

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Photo of Aina

Places are kingdoms of memories and relationships; that the landscape is only ever a reflection of how you feel inside.

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Photo of Aina

I wondered if l would ever have that with someone or if I was even built to float in a sea of love.

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Photo of Aina

But I feel so far behind you and I'm worried you'll run out of sight.

Page 145
Photo of Aina

You get your go for, say, your birthday or a brunch, then you have to pass her back round to the boyfriend to start the long, boring rotation again.

These gaps in each other's lives slowly but surely form a gap in the middle of your friendship. The love is still there, but the familiarity is not. Before you know it, you’re not living life together any more. You're living life separately with respective boyfriends then meeting up for dinner every six weekends to tell each other what living is like.

Page 135
Photo of Aina

I would like to pause the story a moment to talk about ‘nothing will change’. I’ve heard it said to me repeatedly by women I love during my twenties when they move in with boyfriends, get engaged, move abroad, get married, get pregnant. ‘Nothing will change’. It drives me bananas. Everything will change. Everything will change. The love we have for each other stays the same, but the format, the tone, the regularity and the intimacy of our friendship will change for ever.

Page 133
Photo of Aina

It began with a train journey. I always thought something brilliant might happen to me on a train. The transitional state of a long journey has always seemed to me the most romantic and magical of places to find yourself in; marooned in a cosy pod of your own thoughts, suspended in mid-air, travelling through a wodge of silent, blank pages between two chapters. A place where phones dip in and out of consciousness and you're forced to spend time with your thoughts, working out what needs to be reshaped and reordered.

Page 80
Photo of Aina

Your imagination has the daily workout of an Olympic athlete when you attend an all-girls school.

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Photo of Aina

Any woman who spent her formative years surrounded only by other girls will tell you the same thing: you never really shake off the idea that boys are the most fascinating, beguiling, repulsive, bizzare creatures to roam the earth; as dangerous and mythological as a Sasquatch.

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Photo of Aina

I blame my high expectations for love on two things: the first is that I am the child of parents who are almost embarrassingly infatuated with each other; the second is the films I watched in my formative years.

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Photo of Pharrèl Nadia Frieswijk
Pharrèl Nadia Frieswijk@pharrelnadia

You'll feel settled, centred and calm when you fall in love.

Page 79

True ❤️‍🩹

Photo of Pharrèl Nadia Frieswijk
Pharrèl Nadia Frieswijk@pharrelnadia

When you are thin enough, you'll be happy with who you are and then you'll be worthy of love

Page 79


Photo of Victoria Oge-Evans
Victoria Oge-Evans@vicky-oe-44

When you’re look for love, and it seems like you may never find it remember you probably have access to an abundance of it already.

Photo of rachel

On the flight home, I daydreamed of Tottenham Court Road and ordering shit off Amazon.

Photo of Gladys Marcos
Gladys Marcos@gmarc

Therapy is a great archeological dig on your psyche until you hit something.