Fashionably Dead

Fashionably Dead Book One of the Hot Damned Series

When Astrid tries to stop smoking she ends up a member of the undead. She had never believed in vampyres before, but now she knows that they do exist no matter what she thought before.
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Photo of Tess
5 stars
Nov 22, 2022

It may have a lot to do with the narrator, but this book was extremely entertaining! Granted i had to fast forward a time or two past the explicit hetero sex, but i laughed my ass off through most of this book. I'm sure I'll listen to it again in the future.

Photo of Lucia Correa
Lucia Correa@lucec
4 stars
Nov 22, 2022

4 stars for the Audio Book narrated by Jessica Almasy. Twenty-nine year old Astrid makes a bet with her BFF, Gemma that she can quit smoking. Desperate, she goes to a strip mall hypnotist only instead of waking up without cravings for a cigarette, she wakes up dead well - undead, as in she is now a Vampyre (as the author spells it). The book just takes off from here - we have vampyres, demons, angels, fairies and more. This book is drop dead funny (Ha!) with battles, sex, blood and deaths as you would expect considering the subject matter. Astrid is profane, loyal, Prada loving, art teacher who just recently lost her Nana, whom she loved dearly and has a mother who shows her no affection. The audio book is a fun "read" - although it took me a few minutes to get used to Astrid's voice - the narrator was excellent and I think she made the book even funnier than if I was reading it myself. Astrid's "guardian" angel is a lookalike/soundalike potty mouthed Oprah Winfrey - which the narrator does a pretty good impression. We follow Astrid as she navigates being undead, vampyre culture, demons, a gorgeous prince and her destiny. I will definitely read/listen to more of the series.

Photo of Janna Niemi
Janna Niemi@allandanybooks
5 stars
Oct 30, 2022

Hilarious and lovely This book had me almost dying of laughter. The writing style was just my taste and I couldn’t put the book down before the very end. I’m going to amazon straight after this to buy the next book in the series. I loved Astrid. I wish I had someone like her as my friend. And obviously I couldn’t get enough of gorgeous Ethan and all the other deathly handsome vampyres. I’m truly in love with this book. And the cherry on top is the fact that this book is a full-length novel and not some 200-word novella with a cliffhanger although there was a bit of a cliffhanger and that’s why I’m heading to amazon to purchase the next book in the series!

Photo of Neeky Reid
Neeky Reid@lemonysnicket
3 stars
Oct 30, 2022

All I have to say is "Asstrid" is one stupid bitch. How soon can I read the next one in the series? Anyway lol to be honest the story started on a high note and fell flat around page 150 through to 200. I felt like some parts of the story were rushed and not realistic. It kinda redeemed it self in the last few chapters but I am unable to understand why Asstrid put so many people's lives in danger when she knew she had a 10 million bounty on her head? Risk your own life? Fine, your call. Knowingly putting others at risk? Terrible! I also wondered why she acts like a teenager, make up your mind Robyn do you want a book about teens or grown ups?

Photo of Grace Piper
Grace Piper@the_anachronista
1 star
Jun 8, 2023
Photo of Jacalyn Boggs
Jacalyn Boggs@ladyozma
3 stars
Dec 8, 2022
Photo of Nicki
2 stars
Apr 8, 2022
Photo of Kenedi wilson
Kenedi wilson@keeks95
1 star
Feb 24, 2022
Photo of Stephanie
3 stars
Dec 8, 2021
Photo of Heather Eason
Heather Eason@heason
3 stars
Nov 20, 2021
Photo of Pam Sartain
Pam Sartain@certainlygeeky
4 stars
Nov 9, 2021
Photo of Lisa M
Lisa M@iesadora
3 stars
Sep 24, 2021

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