
I've enjoyed other books by M.R. Carey, so I was kind of excited for this one. However, I didn't actually enjoy large portions of it. It's not a happy book. It starts with heroin addicts and a fire that kills a 10 year old boy. It ends in a women's prison. So, yeah, not so cheerful. With everything being so terrible lately, I'm a little sensitive to bad situations. However, the book does build up quite a head of suspense as it goes. There's not much of a way to talk about what happens without spoilers, though. I'll just say it's a good read on a dark subject.

His first novel, The Girl With All The Gifts, is a nearly perfect book. This is just very, very good. It has moments that it lags, but not for long. It has a slow building pace that's very pleasant for the first half of the book. Then the second half hits and I was incapable of putting it down and the whole thing felt like a breakneck pace (even though it wasn't quite, just felt that way). Just superbly written with great characters. Everything about this book is delightful. I can't suggest it highly enough.