First Star I See Tonight

First Star I See Tonight A Novel

A star quarterback and a feisty detective play for keeps in this sporty, sexy, sassy novel—a long-awaited new entry in the beloved, award-winning, New York Times bestselling author’s fan-favorite Chicago Stars football series. Piper Dove is a woman with a dream—to become the best detective in the city of Chicago. First job? Trail former Chicago Stars quarterback, Cooper Graham. Problem? Graham’s spotted her, and he’s not happy. Which is why a good detective needs to think on her feet. “The fact is . . . I’m your stalker. Not full-out barmy. Just . . . mildly unhinged.” Piper soon finds herself working for Graham himself, although not as the bodyguard he refuses to admit he so desperately needs. Instead, he’s hired her to keep an eye on the employees at his exclusive new nightclub. But Coop’s life might be in danger, and Piper’s determined to protect him, whether he wants it or not. (Hint: Not!) If only she weren’t also dealing with a bevy of Middle Eastern princesses, a Pakistani servant girl yearning for freedom, a teenager who just wants of fit in, and an elderly neighbor demanding Piper find her very dead husband. And then there’s Cooper Graham himself, a legendary sports hero who always gets what he wants—even if what he wants is a feisty detective hell bent on proving she’s as tough as he is. From the bustling streets of Chicago to a windswept lighthouse on Lake Superior to the glistening waters of Biscayne Bay, two people who can’t stand to lose will test themselves and each other to discover what matters most.
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Photo of Nathalie Wong
Nathalie Wong@lovereadingromance
3 stars
Feb 27, 2022

This is the eight novel to the Chicago Stars Series written by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. I was extremely excited to find out that there would be another novel for this wonderful series. Things got off to a really interesting start when the main character, Cooper, notices a woman in several of the places he has been to. The strange part is, each and every time he spotter her, she was in a different getup/disguise. A stalker? That's what Piper wanted him to believe, however, the real reason is that someone hired her to observe him. Their relationship in the beginning was rocky, but eventually they came to respect and love each other. The secondary characters were also a highlight to the story. Like any other Susan Elizabeth Phillips book, it was humourous and had a bit more of a mystery. For more of my reviews please visit my blog

Photo of Ella Zegarra
Ella Zegarra@ellieroth
4 stars
Jan 9, 2022

Fue absolutamente todo lo que quería, ahora solo tengo que ir a intentar sacarme esta sonrisa boba de la cara Original de: El Blog del Gato - El Extraño Gato del Cuento La Primera Estrella de la Noche me ha encantado CASI en su totalidad. Casi porque tiene uno que otro detalle que me hace pensarme un poco el declarar mi amor por el libro. Tiene la historia romántica ligera y divertida que esperaba, Piper y Cooper fue una pareja que no se me hizo difícil ver que funcionara. Mi problema ha venido con las historias secundarias, bueno con una. Me habría gustado mucho que no caracterizara a la mayoría sus personajes de Oriente Medio como abusivos, creo que estamos en una época que deberíamos hacer todo lo posible por evitar seguir con estereotipos. Aunque claro que el mensaje fue sobre apoyar a los refugiados… PERO, siento que pudo haber una manera diferente de tocar el tema. Creo que juntar un tema serio con la ligereza del libro no fue del todo acertado, al menos para mí, sentí mucho mensaje de “Héroe Blanco Norteamericano Viene A Salvar El Mundo”. Twitter • Blog • Pinterest • Tumblr • Instagram • Facebook • Tvtime

Photo of b.andherbooks
2 stars
Oct 9, 2021

This wasn't for me. I found the plot line about rescuing a Middle Eastern girl from servitude way too far of a stretch, and that was only one of MANY crazy things going on with the main characters. With so much going on, I didn't really connect with the romance of the book nor found it super believable. I DID enjoy Piper as a main character. She is smart, sassy, and sticks to her guns. Still don't think shooting a drone out of the sky with a Glock would go unnoticed by the Chicago Police though.

Photo of Sonia Grgas
Sonia Grgas@sg911911
4 stars
Feb 23, 2024
Photo of Callyn
5 stars
Jun 5, 2023
Photo of Kristen Claiborn
Kristen Claiborn@kristenc
3 stars
Jan 7, 2023
Photo of Miroslava Pesheva
Miroslava Pesheva@mira54
5 stars
Sep 22, 2022
Photo of Kerrigan
3 stars
Feb 24, 2022
Photo of Franziska Preschel
Franziska Preschel@franzip
4 stars
Jan 26, 2022
Photo of Aurelia Dennis
Aurelia Dennis@aurelia
4 stars
Jan 2, 2022
Photo of Shay Rabaya
Shay Rabaya@goldensnitchskr
4 stars
Dec 20, 2021
Photo of Kremena Hristova
Kremena Hristova @hristova_kremena
4 stars
Nov 8, 2021