Five Feet Apart

Díky bohu, že znám Cola Sprouse, protože jinak bych se nedozvěděla o knize a nechtěla bych si ji přečíst. Protože tohle bylo nádherný. O CF jsem toho věděla málo, spíš nic než něco. Díky Pěti krokům jsem se o ní dozvěděla základy, pronikla do života lidí, kteří CF trpí a trpěla a přežívala jsem s nimi. Jo, je to klišé, ale na druhou stranu uvěřitelné. Stella i Will jsou velice silní charakteři. I přesto, že mají nemoc, jsou plní lásky a radosti. I když vědí, že brzy umřou. Přestože se vše odehrávalo v nemocnici, vůbec mi to nevadilo. ✩ Více slovy vám to popsat nedokážu. Je to krásný příběh, a určitě stojí za přečtení, nebo aspoň zhlédnutí filmu. 5*/5*

I chose to read this book because the characters and the plot caught my attention since I've got a terrible pair of lungs too. I don't have CF but I've got a weak heart and bad lungs which pretty much prevents me from living a normal life. Haha. Anyway, this book was okay. It wasn't great but compared to TFIOS and Everything Everything, it did a better job at depicting the life of a person living with a severe illness. Even though Five Feet Apart didn't really live up to my expectations, it did give me some things to ponder on and there were moments that resonated with me. But there were also some things that didn't sit well with me that's why I'm giving this a 3-star rating. (view spoiler)[NEW LUNGS OR WILL NEWMAN One of the things that fell flat for me was the part where Stella had to choose between new lungs or a life with Will. This was supposed to be the huge turning point of the story because she's been waiting for so long for new lungs but then she meets Will which changes things for her and now that there's new lungs for her, she has to make a difficult decision so I was expecting to see some struggle or some tension or some intense emotion as she weighs her options (which by the way, she barely even did) BUTTTTT she chose Will almost in a heartbeat right there and then like she was just choosing her favorite ice cream flavor. I know that being a romance novel, it's obvious that she would pick Will. I'm not saying that it's wrong to pick Will. For me, there is no right or wrong option here. My main issue about this is that the author failed to capture the raw emotions, the struggle, the horrifying experience of having to choose between life and death. It was very anti-climactic and made Stella into this reckless person who's willing to throw everything for the person she's in love with who, by the way, she just met a couple of weeks ago. I've been put in a similar situation before where I had to choose between a high-risk surgery that could result to my sudden death and not getting a surgery and dying a slow death. I chose the latter but a roller coaster of things happened before I came up with a decision and made peace with it. In my experience, there was a surge of overwhelming emotions coming at me from different directions, there were doubts, confusions, depression and a whole lot of crying. I kid you not, I really did a lot of crying. And there were a lot of factors to consider before coming up with a solid decision: what if I'm making the wrong decision, what if I end up regret choosing one over the other, what if things do not end up the way I imagined or planned, what if the surgery don't go well and so on. I understand that everyone goes through a different process when it comes to making decisions but I haven't seen anyone make such a huge and life-altering decision as fast as Stella did. Like gurl, how??? Teach me how so I could save myself from all the stress and the struggles that comes with making these kind of difficult decisions. POE'S DEATH I was looking forward to see how Poe would deal with his problem of him turning 18 and not being able to get the treatments that he needed. It was the most intriguing part of the story for me. But then the author just killed him. On Will's birthday. A day before Poe and Michael were supposed to see each other again after being apart. Right after he makes the decision of going to see his mom. I also didn't like that the author used his death as Stella's motivation to go and live the life that she wants outside the hospital. If you want to make readers cry when writing a story about sick people or an illness, there are heartrending ways to do that other than killing a character and putting other tragic scenes. This book was really trying so hard to make readers feel emotional: Abby's death, Poe's death, etc. I lost sight of what this book is trying to do: was it written to raise awareness and educate people on how CF affects the lives of the people who has it or was it just written to make people cry? The story focused too much on romance, tragic scenes and recklessness. I didn't learn much about the experience, the struggles and the hardships that a person with CF goes through. I feel like it barely scratched the surface. There were so many elements that were irrelevant and unnecessary and they just took the focus away from CF. STELLA'S FIRST SURGERY WITHOUT ABBY This is probably my favorite part in the book. With Abby gone, Will did the things that Abby used to do for Stella before going into surgery. I think it was cute that he sang her the song that Abby sings for her. There were still some things that I liked about the story but they didn't make a real impact for me to remember. Lol. Oh wait, I like Barb. I love her. I wish I had a nurse like her. (hide spoiler)]

I chose to read this book because the characters and the plot caught my attention since I've got a terrible pair of lungs too. I don't have CF but I've got a weak heart and bad lungs which pretty much prevents me from living a normal life. Haha. Anyway, this book was okay. It wasn't great but compared to TFIOS and Everything Everything, it did a better job at depicting the life of a person living with a severe illness. Even though Five Feet Apart didn't really live up to my expectations, it did give me some things to ponder on and there were moments that resonated with me. But there were also some things that didn't sit well with me that's why I'm giving this a 3-star rating. (view spoiler)[NEW LUNGS OR WILL NEWMAN One of the things that fell flat for me was the part where Stella had to choose between new lungs or a life with Will. This was supposed to be the huge turning point of the story because she's been waiting for so long for new lungs but then she meets Will which changes things for her and now that there's new lungs for her, she has to make a difficult decision so I was expecting to see some struggle or some tension or some intense emotion as she weighs her options (which by the way, she barely even did) BUTTTTT she chose Will almost in a heartbeat right there and then like she was just choosing her favorite ice cream flavor. I know that being a romance novel, it's obvious that she would pick Will. I'm not saying that it's wrong to pick Will. For me, there is no right or wrong option here. My main issue about this is that the author failed to capture the raw emotions, the struggle, the horrifying experience of having to choose between life and death. It was very anti-climactic and made Stella into this reckless person who's willing to throw everything for the person she's in love with who, by the way, she just met a couple of weeks ago. I've been put in a similar situation before where I had to choose between a high-risk surgery that could result to my sudden death and not getting a surgery and dying a slow death. I chose the latter but a roller coaster of things happened before I came up with a decision and made peace with it. In my experience, there was a surge of overwhelming emotions coming at me from different directions, there were doubts, confusions, depression and a whole lot of crying. I kid you not, I really did a lot of crying. And there were a lot of factors to consider before coming up with a solid decision: what if I'm making the wrong decision, what if I end up regret choosing one over the other, what if things do not end up the way I imagined or planned, what if the surgery don't go well and so on. I understand that everyone goes through a different process when it comes to making decisions but I haven't seen anyone make such a huge and life-altering decision as fast as Stella did. Like gurl, how??? Teach me how so I could save myself from all the stress and the struggles that comes with making these kind of difficult decisions. POE'S DEATH I was looking forward to see how Poe would deal with his problem of him turning 18 and not being able to get the treatments that he needed. It was the most intriguing part of the story for me. But then the author just killed him. On Will's birthday. A day before Poe and Michael were supposed to see each other again after being apart. Right after he makes the decision of going to see his mom. I also didn't like that the author used his death as Stella's motivation to go and live the life that she wants outside the hospital. If you want to make readers cry when writing a story about sick people or an illness, there are heartrending ways to do that other than killing a character and putting other tragic scenes. This book was really trying so hard to make readers feel emotional: Abby's death, Poe's death, etc. I lost sight of what this book is trying to do: was it written to raise awareness and educate people on how CF affects the lives of the people who has it or was it just written to make people cry? The story focused too much on romance, tragic scenes and recklessness. I didn't learn much about the experience, the struggles and the hardships that a person with CF goes through. I feel like it barely scratched the surface. There were so many elements that were irrelevant and unnecessary and they just took the focus away from CF. STELLA'S FIRST SURGERY WITHOUT ABBY This is probably my favorite part in the book. With Abby gone, Will did the things that Abby used to do for Stella before going into surgery. I think it was cute that he sang her the song that Abby sings for her. There were still some things that I liked about the story but they didn't make a real impact for me to remember. Lol. Oh wait, I like Barb. I love her. I wish I had a nurse like her. (hide spoiler)]

Title of the book: •Five feet apart• Author: Rachael Lippincott (along with Tobias Iaconis and Mikki Daughtry) Genre: Romance, Drama My ratings: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Synopsis: The story revolves around a young girl Stella Grant who has a terminal disease called Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Stella being her typical self needs everything to be in order and while she is admitted to Saint's Grace hospital for a tune up, following her regimen diligently, she comes across another CFer guy, Will Newman. Will who is completely opposite to Stella and doesn't care a darn about his life, has become Stella's new project (lol). Amongst it all and Will trying to follow his regimen too, they both fall in love. But this love affair is a catch-22 as two CFers can't come closer than six feet. The book takes you through the roller coaster of love and longing they both ride further to finally part ways. Review: I really got engrossed in the story, and the fact that alternate chapters were written from each of theirs perspective kept the read an interesting one. Overall it was a wholesome book with a lot of tragedy including Poe (Stella's childhood friend) and Abby (Stella's elder sibling) dying. The plot highlights on the essence of true love and how you will let go of someone you truly love if that's what is good for them. The emotions arose by the book were intense and heart wrenching but definitely Rachael gives us a subtle happy ending to the marvelous story. I loved the motive of the author behind writing this book which was to bring awareness around Cystic Fibrosis. If you are someone who enjoys romance with a bit of pain, you should definitely go for this one. Be ready to cry tho.

I don't know how to feel about this book. The story was beautiful, but I gave it 3 stars because I wasn't a fan of the writing style. There were so many emotions in the story, but I just couldn't feel anything. The ending and the overall storyline was enjoyable because it shows how love doesn't always have to be "touchy feely", but it just felt lukewarm to me ://

It is just as heartbreaking as the movie.

it was unrealistic at times, but it had some cute moments

I'm keeping this short because I do not want to cry. It's a must read. Heartbreaking but also so beautiful. Read this if you like The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.

It made me cry in the best way and it is just an amazing book

4.5 ⭐️



Spoiler below! This was my favorite compared to other similar books! The ending was perfect * * * * * * They didn’t die!!! I was happy lol

Nahhh, the plot was good, i just thought it was poorly written. It was like reading a wattpad fanfiction, sorry lol. I remember watching the movie though when it came out, i remember thinking it was good.

Really good. I enjoyed it very much and even thought the movie was amazing as well. It did have me sobbing multiple times though lol.

Always makes me cry! I watched the movie when it came out and always wanted to listen to the book. It’s literally the same thing. So absolutely loved this

Oh gosh I can't tell you how many times this wonderful book has brought me to tears. With these types of books a person always knows that someone will die and it's hardly ever the person you think it will be. I loved how the author's brought the funniest and most charming people and relationships to life. I loved the realistic aspect of dying and what it means for the one who is dying along with their families. If anyone is looking for a good cry, a good laugh and a good read, this book is for you. Ten out of ten recommend.

** spoiler alert ** I AM CRYING MY EYES OUT Five Feet Apart is so sad :(. I really wish I could get brainwashed to read it again. That moment when Stella woke up from surgery and Will was there behind the glass, telling her how much he loves her, was so heartbreaking. I love this book. Period Second time reading this amazing book: I’m a wreck. I NEED to watch the movie.

A decent plot, I just felt it was poorly written.

I enjoyed this book a lot more than I anticipated. There are definitely scenes where the characters just didn't feel relatable (so when tragedy occurs, it's hard to connect or feel emotional in the same way as the characters). However, overall, I enjoyed the story and the plot. It's very heartwarming, and I think it did a great job highlighting the guilt/fear/loneliness that patients with CF (or other chronic conditions) may feel. Definitely has a bit of TFIOS vibes. The ending of this book did make my heart hurt :(

cried a lot

Cried at the end

It didn’t really sit right with me that the only character to die is the only POC and queer character in the book. Overall, an okay book though.

So good!! I wanted to see the movie when it came out but didn’t get a chance to. I had no idea it was a book so when I found that out I knew I had to read it. My hs biology teacher has a son with CF so he made sure we were well educated on the disease from a scientific stand point, but also in a real life way. Ever since, I have been passionate about learning more about it, so seeing that there was a book and movie about it is really cool. I really enjoyed the romance in this book as well as the story in general. Highly recommend!!

Because I am greedy for the sight of you. Because the prospect of facing this war, this loss, without you fills me with fear. Because I find I don’t want to fight for a future if I can’t find a way to make a future with you.

For the first time, I feel the weight of every single inch, every single millimeter of the six feet between us. I pull my sweatshirt closer to my body …. Trying to ignore the fact that that open space? It will always be there

I straighten, desperately pulling in one more short breath, knowing deep in my chest that it is the last breath i will ever get.
And I give it to her. I give everything I have to her, the girl that I love. She deserves that.

And every breath he gets, he gives to me.

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