Flames of Chaos Legacy of the Nine Realms

So bad

dnf 65% a mi esto de romantizar SA no me mg sorry 1 estrella tata y pq no puedo poner 0 :)

Little Lamb Hecate witches. Wolves. Minotaurs.. A Dark king. Some fantasy books can be hard to get into, especially with all of the world building.. But I was pretty hooked from the start with this one. If you want heart racing, lip biting, angst, steam.. sprinkled with some giggly bits, this ones for you! Please check your trigger warnings, there are sensitive themes/topics throughout the book which isn’t suitable for everyone.

Plot? I don’t know her.. An interesting world with all the magical creatures you can imagine. Werewolves, witches, and more. However there was not much plot. I read this book for the “romance” if you can call it that.. this enemies to (lovers?) story was a rollercoaster. A lot of the lines made me cringe. Also there were full chapters that simply repeated the same sentiments over and over again. This book could have been trimmed down a ton. I usually enjoy a switch POV. However this felt pointless and repetitive. I enjoyed the characters.

I love this whole series aria is great Knox pisses me off a lot and I feel she deserves better.

idk how to feel about this one

2.5 stars | I honestly kept reading this book for a friend, but I wanted to DNF it. It’s beyond repetitive and it could have ended a lot sooner. There were a lot of unnecessary details and scenes; they added absolutely nothing to the story.

This book had many errors, so know that going into it to adjust your expectations! It certainly isn’t a literary masterpiece but was very entertaining and enjoyable nonetheless.

I soooo wanted this book to be worth the hype. I mean the spicy scenes are SPICY and the plot is actually so good, but the execution is just not something I'm impressed with. Knox literally had no personality except with his obsession with sex (which is not a totally bad thing, I mean he seems GORGEOUS). I think the plot was definitely overshadowed by the spicy aspect. So I mean, if you're looking for smut, this is the perfect book for you. Also, yes, I know that Amelia Hutchins has a blurb in the beginning saying she doesn't write love stories but I guess I was hopeful there was more to Knox & Aria's relationship-- spoiler alert, I was wrong.

Welp... this was a wild ride huh?

I really struggled with this novel because the ideas are totally there, but the writing is so sloppy (seriously, NUMEROUS grammatical errors that really draw the reader out of the story). She has it set up to be a bit of a mystery low fantasy novel with the FMC’s twin sister going missing at the beginning, but they do literally nothing in an attempt to find her, it’s very bizarre. Almost every conversation is about fucking, breeding, or some version of the two, the plot definitely takes a back seat because you can seriously get whiplash from how she connects pieces together. World is very confusing as well as she has done very little to describe the magic system. I’m hoping the writing gets better because I am intrigued by the FMC and MMC together and they are the only ones with an interesting dynamic, probably because they are the only ones even partially fleshed out.

This is a horrible book. I couldn’t put it down. I bought the rest of the series. I am a sick person.

Fun read if you want something spicy, but honestly not a good book.

This book was… good? Okay? Not bad? I’m not sure. The plot was all over the place, and the abusive relationship between Knox and Aria was exhausting, but I could not put it down.

Dnf around 40-50%, was painful to read up to this point but I was quite invested in the mystery. When the guy’s chapters started, it was a final straw and I couldn’t take it anymore

This book was quite the ride! I loved how the author was able to world build and yet keep the story going.

Me: scrolling through books recommended if I like "From Blood and Ash"... buys flames of Chaos on kindle. Grabs blanket and kindle excited to embark on new adventure! What I got was a book straight off out National geographic on the power of ovulation and mating in animals. Were the character interesting? well honestly I didn't see any development until the last 20% when the magic started to happen and it wasn't mythical creature trying to mate and procreate. Bunch of animals..... However the end gave me Jude and Cardan vibe, so book 2.... i'll see when you come out lol. Also pineapple will never be the same for me.

If you like Primal Erotica - then I'd say this is for you. The plot is decent but a bit predictable.

Aria has to return to one of the Nine Realms in order to save her sister, apparently disappeared, with her other sisters. She meets Knox, king of Haven Falls and all his friends and brothers. In this new series by the amazing Amelia Hutchins (you really need to read her other series), we are transported in a world where witches, vampires, werewolves and other creatures all live freely. The Hecate witches, Aria being one of them, are all born twins and all born females, making them the strongest witch family in the Nine Realms. This alone screamed girl power and did I not love it. Aria was fun, real and easy to get along with, while I hated Knox for the majority of the book just because he tried to cage Aria and make her his while hating her and arguing with her constantly. However, in the end, I managed to bear all the mystery around his figure, his power and his charismatic personality that could make him a spectacular character if only he was not nearly abusive. The world building is amazing and you can feel like you are there, traveling in the realms. The descriptions are perfect for this book and her style is easy to read, fast but not superficial. The end really took me by surprise and I just wish I could read the second book right away. If love isn’t brutal, then you’re doing it wrong. It is barebones banging together beneath the full moon, stronger and more forceful than any storm could ever hope to achieve. The sound of flesh hitting flesh, and the feeling it leaves when the body cools and the sweat dries but the soul continues to slowly burn, lit from the connection it shared with another. It is the brutality of ripping apart a soul, learning what is within it, and accepting it at face value without wanting to change a single thing. Love is a fucking battlefield, and you fight because you want it with every fiber of your being. It’s the exact same as war, which I assure you, Knox, you’ll learn to love war with me. On the other hand, you may decide you hate it, but either way, you will know the difference between the two. Motives why you should read this book: amazing world building, you wish you could just jump between the realms, magic and supernatural creatures all in a new way. Final vote: 3.5/5 Ebook provided by the author in exchange of an honest review.

Es que mi chica Amelia Hutchins lo hizo otra vez. Entrego un libro con un world building de 10 y una tensión entre los protagonistas perfecta y es que uno no sabe si amar u odiar a Knox

Was this book good? Absolutely not. Did I love every second of it? Absolutely. Honestly this read like an Omegaverse fan fiction. The dialogue was super cringe. The writing is not very eloquent. It just reads very amateur. Not too mention the slut shaming, the “not like other girls” trope. The breeding kinks, the obsession over virginity. Things that reallllllly make me hate books. BUT Idk something about this book just had me hooked. I planned on DNFing when I reached 100 pages because I disliked the beginning so much, but by around page 80 I was HOOKED. I couldn’t put it down. This book really spoke to my ADHD, something was happening constantly. Just mainlining dopamine to my brain. Flames of Chaos is the definition of hot trash and I loved it. And I will say, despite the less than stellar writing style, the world ended up being pretty interesting. I’m excited to learn more about the Nine Realms. I’m a mythology lover and this series explores Norse and Greek mythology. So would I recommend this book? If you’re looking for a 5 star book to analyze and leave you with a new perspective on life… absolutely not. Lmao. If you like fan fiction writing style, don’t mind extremely toxic relationships, and love mythology. Yeah i’d recommend it.

I have read some of Amelia Hutchins books before and while everyone reads them for the "romance" I am there for the world! The same happened with Flames of Chaos... I hated Knox, Aria was really smart and the romance between them was non existent... I think I would like the books more if the as***ness was milder! There were actually some moments that I think we should categorise as rape... so I really don't get the romance part of her books...... The story was interesting and if I read the next installment it will be solely for the world...

I LOVED this book. Fantasy, Spice, Bad a** half witch lead character..what more could you ask for? Oooh that’s right. Ask for a sexy, arrogant, mysterious, dark love interest and you’ve got the perfect book. Really. The banter between the two main characters was funny when it needed to be, serious when needed, and touching. I loved the explanations about the world and the Nine realms. The plot was always interesting and kept me wanting to read more. I definitely recommend this book.

2.5 stars | I honestly kept reading this book for a friend, but I wanted to DNF it. It’s beyond repetitive and it could have ended a lot sooner. There were a lot of unnecessary details and scenes; they added absolutely nothing to the story.