Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale Collected Works of Florence Nightingale

This chart adapts Nightingale's pioneering area charts (comparing preventible with non-preventible deaths) to a new issue: climate change. The areas of the wedges and the numbers beside them represent carbon dioxide emissions plus equivalent measures for the other greenhouse gases, measured in megatonnes. The angle represents the total population, the radius per capita emissions. Thus it is easy to see that emissions by China are high (because of its large population) but per capita are much lower than for the United States, Canada and Europe (see their long radii). Emissions data (2006) from the Energy Information Administration, population (2007) from the Population Reference Bureau. Chart prepared by Lynn McDonald and Patricia Warwick. Front cover image: This iconic composite portrait was painted by Jerry Barrett, reproduced courtesy of the National Portrait Gallery. The scene is fictional, depicting people who served in different places and at different times in the war. This modified clock chart uses the same data as in the classic two area charts (back cover). The wedges represent mortality, measured from the centre: blue for preventible diseases, grey-brown for other diseases and pink for wounds.
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