24-hour Global Marathon for Sustainability – Food for Earth

24-hour Global Marathon for Sustainability – Food for Earth To celebrate United Nations International Mother Earth Day – 2020

Together with Future Food Institute (FFI), FAO’s elearning Academy marked the 50th anniversary of Earth Day with a 24-hour multilingual digital global marathon on sustainability. Entitled “Food for Earth,“ the event brought together a diverse group of experts for a discussion on how sustainable food systems can play a transformative role in the way we live, and the impact we have on the planet. The publication aims at gathering all the multilingual work sessions spread out across the globe, all focused on the regenerative power of food systems. The online discussions moved from east to west, with the first sessions held in China, Japan and India, before moving on to the Middle East, Russian Federation, Europe, Africa and the Americas. Participants even had a chance to connect with Antarctica during one of the sessions, when scientists based at Concordia Research Station on the Antarctic Plateau joined in. The event featured participants from a number of backgrounds, providing diverse perspectives on how the transformation of food systems can play an important role in the health of the planet. Indigenous peoples, entrepreneurs, scientists, journalists, young leaders, policymakers and farmers all contributed. The marathon brought together more than 100 expert voices, who were joined by more than 100 000 viewers worldwide throughout the day.
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