Statistical aspects of microbiological criteria related to foods

Statistical aspects of microbiological criteria related to foods A Risk Manager's Guide

Microbiological Criteria have been used in food production and the food regulatory context for many years. While the food-specific aspects of microbiological criteria are well understood, the mathematical and statistical aspects are often less well appreciated, which hinders the consistent and appropriate application of microbiological criteria in the food industry. This document has been developed to begin redressing this situation. A particular aim of this document is to illustrate the important mathematical and statistical aspects of microbiological criteria, but with minimal statistical jargon, equations and mathematical details. It is hoped that the resulting document and support materials make this subject more accessible to a broad audience. This volume and others in this Microbiological Risk Assessment Series contain information that is useful to both food safety risk assessors and risk managers, the Codex Alimentarius Commission, governments and regulatory agencies, food producers and processers and other institutions and individuals with an interest in Microbiological Criteria. This volume in particular aims to support food business operators, quality assurance managers, food safety-policy makers and risk managers.
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