Fooled By Randomness The Hidden Role Of Chance In Life And In The Markets
Contends that randomness and probability have a large impact on life, claims that people regularly fail to recognize that role, and tells how to differentiate between randomness in general and the financial markets in particular.
Pitch Taotawin@pitch
robert preswick@prez
Bouke van der Bijl@bouk
Dana Kraft@dkatx
ANDREW BRYK@andrewbryk
Ivaylo Durmonski@durmonski
Paul Joshi@pauljoshi
Luciano Maciel@lukemaciel
Ahmed El-Helw@ahmedre
manav @manavmishra
Thomas Beuls@thomasb
Christian Bager Bach Houmann@cbbh
Ryan Greene@rryangr
C S@cstephen
Konstantin Q@knstntn
Richu A Kuttikattu@richuak
Kevin Owens@ko2111
Pamela Koh@the1pam
Mt Tetzel@mrzool
D VA@pneumatic
Akhil Ravidas@akhil