"NOBODY DOES IT BETTER THAN NIVEN AND POURNELLE. I LOVED IT!" --Tom Clancy They first appear as a series of dots on astronomical plates, heading from Saturn directly toward Earth. Since the ringed planet carries no life, scientists deduce the mysterious ship to be a visitor from another star. The world's frantic efforts to signal the aliens go unanswered. The first contact is hostile: the invaders blast a Soviet space station, seize the survivors, and then destroy every dam and installation on Earth with a hail of asteriods. Now the conquerors are descending on the American heartland, demanding servile surrender--or death for all humans. "ROUSING . . . THE BEST OF THE GENRE." --The New York Times Book Review From the Paperback edition.

Janice Hopper@archergal
Kinda plausible and a little dated now, but still a good, romping adventure.

Jerry Eakes@jeakes

Rowan trollope @robopop

Rjyan C Kidwell@secswell

Goktekin Dincerler@goktekin

Scott Vandehey@spaceninja

Cheryl Hedlund@cappuccino136