Philosophical Dictionary
This enlarged edition of Mario Bunge's Dictionary of Philosophy is a superb reference work for both students and professional philosophers. In one volume Bunge covers all the major branches of contemporary philosophy, logic, semantics, metaphysics, and epistemology, as well as practical and applied philosophies. Most entries are brief and nontechnical in nature, highlighting useful philosophical terms rather than trendy ones. Placing his emphasis on living philosophy, Bunge deliberately excludes many of the archaic terms and philosophical curios of other dictionaries. He incorporates a number of minipapers or longer definitions of some terms, and critically analyzes such influential doctrines as existentialism, deconstructionism, phenomenology, idealism, pragmatism, materialism, utilitarianism, deontological ethics, and many others. Bunge offers constructive alternatives to all philosophical approaches he criticizes.

Joe Bauldoff@bauldoff