Perspectives in Ring Theory

Perspectives in Ring Theory

This proceedings is composed of the papers resulting from the NATO work-shop "Perspectives in Ring Theory" and the work-shop "Geometry and Invariant The ory of Representations of Quivers" . Three reports on problem sessions have been induced in the part corresponding to the work-shop where they belonged. One more report on a problem session, the "lost" problem session, will be published elsewhere eventually. vii Acknowledgement The meeting became possible by the financial support of the Scientific Affairs Division of NATO. The people at this division have been very helpful in the orga nization of the meeting, in particular we commemorate Dr. Mario di Lullo, who died unexpectedly last year, but who has been very helpful with the organization of earlier meetings in Ring Theory. For additional financial support we thank the national foundation for scientific research (NFWO), the rector of the University of Antwerp, UIA, and the Belgian Ministry of Education. We also gladly acknowledge support from the Belgian Friends of the Hebrew University and the chairman Prof. P. Van Remoortere who honored Prof. S. Amitsur for his continuous contributions to the mathematical activities at the University of Antwerp. I thank the authors who contributed their paper(s) to this proceedings and the lecturers for their undisposable contributions towards the success of the work-shop. Finally I thank Danielle for allowing me to spoil another holiday period in favor of a congress.
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