The Brothers Karamazov

If their names were shorter this book could be half its length.

I feel like I just ran a marathon with this book. It took me a good 6 weeks to finish it as I was just listening while in the car. I struggled with the first portion of the book because I didn't know that the author sometimes addressed the characters using just their first and middle names AND at other times using their first and last name. So it was a bit tough to follow at first. Once I got used to the names, the book moved along pretty good. I really enjoyed the back and forth between the brothers when talking about God and religion, and I loved the description of life in Russia at the time. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but I think I enjoyed the book mainly because of the rather constant discussion about weighty matters. The discussion about God and creation and why people believe, or behave, in a certain manner was all throughout the book. I don't know if this is part of the fictional world Dostoyevsky created, or if it was really like this in 19th Century Russia, but the description of people discussing very serious matters with those whom they disagreed, in regular dinner conversation, and loving it thoroughly, was remarkable. And it is in stark contrast to much of our society today. One last point, is that I think I probably would have enjoyed the drama and suspense a bit more, but while doing a little online research regarding the names, I happened unluckily across a spoiler that gave away a big point of the later part of the novel. I should have been more careful, but I still enjoyed the book quite a bit.

Audio book. Horrible voice of the narrator put me off it.

i don't want to sound dramatic but this might be one of the best (if not the best) book i've ever read. and that's different from being the book i have enjoyed the most. there were def moments that i lost concentration or found it boring, but it was worthwhile in every sense of the word. made me think about spirituality, religion, morality, philosophy, family, russia, society, you fucking name it !!!!

Russian Honours Literature Module: The Nineteenth Century Russian Novel, St Andrews University.
RU3022 Seminar: Functions of Elder Zosima

I’m a simple girl, with simple reviews who loves to read. My review is not going to be the in depth with all the flowery, sophisticated words. It’s simple and down to earth. If you like the classics and you like Russian literature this was a great book. Three brothers who had a neglectful father and childhood are reunited under unusual circumstances which eventually follows in a love triangle, murder and trial. Just a warning, there are a lot of characters but it wasn’t hard to keep up with them. There are many philosophical and theological discussions so it was helpful to have knowledge of the Bible but not necessary. It did get very deep at times, humerous at others and overall a good book. It definitely lived up to the hype.