The Heretic Heir

The Heretic Heir

February 1603, the last of the Tudor monarchs is dying, but Death must wait for Elizabeth of England to finish her tale... As The Bastard Princess, Elizabeth Tudor, daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, has fought through a childhood of intrigue and peril to her place as the heir to the English throne. But as her sister, Mary I, the first anointed and sole Queen of England takes the crown, Elizabeth must face her most dangerous challenges yet... for Mary I is determined to return England to the Catholic faith, and will have none stand in her way. Protestant Elizabeth knows that she must survive the suspicions and distrust of her sister, in a reign where rebellion and war freely stalked the lands of England. To survive, this heretic heir must hone her skills in survival, wit and wile, in order that she may one day... become Queen. The Heretic Heir is Book Two of the Elizabeth of England Chronicles by G. Lawrence
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