Ms. Marvel, Vol 1.

Ms. Marvel, Vol 1. No Normal

"Kamala Khan is an ordinary girl from Jersey City -- until she's suddenly empowered with extraordinary gifts. But who truly is the new Ms. Marvel? Teenager? Muslim? Inhuman? Find out as she takes the Marvel Universe by storm! When Kamala discovers the dangers of her newfound powers, she unlocks a secret behind them, as well. Is Kamala ready to wield these immense new gifts? Or will the weight of the legacy before her be too much to bear? Kamala has no idea, either. But she's comin' for you, New York!"--
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Photo of Sarah Sammis
Sarah Sammis@pussreboots
5 stars
Apr 4, 2024

Good story printed on crap paper stock.

Photo of maitha mana
maitha mana@maithalikesapplepies
2 stars
Apr 3, 2024

A little disappointed, but the ending earned it that additional star. It seemed like a kind of thing a kid from Junior High would read on how to obey parents and be thankful for what they have. But I guess some still go through that and find it interesting, but I wasn't too pleased. I actually liked her friend a little better (although at first I thought they were sisters). I'll probably like the second issue more, unless it turns out to be the exact same advices.

Photo of Vicky  Nuñez
Vicky Nuñez @vicky21
5 stars
Mar 25, 2024

Everyone's favorite fangirl is back and with new great sidekicks.And ready to defend an entire generation. Loved it.

Photo of Jule
5 stars
Oct 22, 2023

This is great. Def gonna order the second Vol.!

Photo of Moth
5 stars
Aug 16, 2023

Probably my favorite so far.

Photo of Zaira A
Zaira A @zai
3 stars
Jul 28, 2023

The story overall was cute and straight to the point. I was a bit disappointed in how the author decided how she got her power. This graphic novel felt that was targeted for a younger audience I wouldn't say that will fall under young adult. So for me that was a little off-putting but it was still entertaining and a quick read. It is a good place to start if you are trying to get into Comic Books.

Photo of Nessa Luna
Nessa Luna@octobertune
5 stars
Jun 3, 2023

Last year I decided to pick up the first Ms. Marvel graphic novel, because I'd heard some positive things about it and I had the character of Ms Marvel on my phone game, where she was really cool. I loved the first GN, picked up the second one which I loved as well, and then got the third one for my birthday this year. This third volume would have Loki in it, but Agent Jemma Simmons as well, who is just one of my favourite characters from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. so naturally I had to read this one. In this third volume, Kamala is happy with her double life as a normal teenager and superhero Ms Marvel. Meanwhile in Asgard, Loki gets the assignment to find out more about the so-called Inventor in New Jersey. He goes to invesigate on Kamala's school, but of course with him being Loki, not everything goes according to plan and Ms. Marvel has to intervene. Then, friends of her parents move back to New Jersey and she has to meet with their son, who turns out to be exactly her type (I mean he's an Inhuman as well, so of course Kamala has instant heart-eyes). But again, not all is what it seems, and Kamala gets into a couple of tight spots (then again, she can shrink so it's not that much trouble to be honest). I really liked this volume mostly because we got more characters I know so well. Last volume we had Wolverine, and this time we got both Loki and Jemma Simmons (and Coulson as well). Such a shame for me though, because the extra comic with Jemma going undercover at Kamala's school turned out to be one of the comics for the S.H.I.E.L.D. graphic novel that came out last year, exactly the one that I'd already bought, read and reviewed at the beginning of January. Oh well. The art was amazing, as usual, though I just realised there's a different artist (but I think their styles are similar because I didn't notice it at all while reading) and I just really love all the colours in these volumes. The story was great as well, and I really cannot wait to pick up the fourth volume, which I will definitely do soon! And of course I will also pick up volume 5 and 6 (who for some reason are a different series than these four? I have no idea why, but the sixth is called Civil War II so that should be exciting (or scary?) If you're looking for a cool new Marvel series to read, and you love Captain Marvel (Kamala's favourite superhero and also her namesake, because she adopted Carol Danvers' old name), you should really pick up the Ms. Marvel comics! My opinion on this book in one gif:

Photo of Nessa Luna
Nessa Luna@octobertune
5 stars
Jun 3, 2023

I'm... just... WHAT IS THIS ENDING? I need to get my hands on the next volume ASAP.

Photo of Nessa Luna
Nessa Luna@octobertune
5 stars
Jun 3, 2023

This year I started to get into Marvel more and more. I watched (almost) all the movies, I watched some of the TV shows and recently I have also started reading the comics. The first comic I read was House of M, which I enjoyed very much. Then there was Civil War, and the latest I read was Ms. Marvel. I have this game on my phone, called Marvel Puzzle Quest which is basically Candy Crush but with Marvel characters and SO MUCH COOLER! You can collect superheroes and villains and play with them, earn points and upgrades for your characters so they can level up and such. I got Kamala Khan a while back and though I had no idea who she was, she looked awesome and her powers were really cool. Then I found out she was Ms. Marvel I thought she was even cooler, and now that I've read this comic she is the coolest. Kamala is a Muslim girl (I believe her parents were originally from Pakistan) who lives with her family in New York. She has a brother who is kind of obsessed with praying, a very protective mother and father, and a best friend who I guess kind of has a crush on her? At least, that's what it felt like to me (he might have just loved her as a friend and felt protective over her but idk?). One night, Kamala sneaks out to go to a party and the city of New York is surrounded by a mysterious mist (ha ha ha). After this, Kamala finds out she has these strange powers... What has happened to her?! (view spoiler)[For those who have seen Agents of Shield, I think you all know what happened to Kamala. I for one knew almost immediately (mainly due to the fact that I already read somewhere that she was Inhuman), so there wasn't really much mystery for me around her getting her powers.. Oh well. (hide spoiler)] I really loved this comic, because I just loved Kamala right from the start. She is a bit of a fangirl, she really loves the Avengers and even writes fanfiction about them! But she wants to be cool, she wants to belong with the 'crowd' and that is why she wants to be like Capt. Marvel. I also liked the fact that she's a Muslim, because that is something I don't see very often - or in fact I haven't read about a Muslim character before. At least, not that I know of. But yay for diversity! The style in this comic was really nice, I loved the drawings, and I loved that there were some phrases in Arabic(? I'm sorry I don't know what language it was so I am just guessing, idk if 'Arabic' is an actual language or not), though I don't get why some were translated, when others weren't. And I just love the humour that is in Marvel's comics, something they translated into the movies really well. I got through this first volume at top speed, because I just enjoyed the story so much, and I loved the characters and the art and oh wow I think I have found a new favourite superhero! I really hope that they plan on adding her to the movies in the future, maybe for the Inhumans movie coming out in... 2018? Anyway, I will certainly read the rest of the Ms. Marvel series, and hopefully read more comics with Kamala in it? My opinion on this book in one gif:

Photo of Nessa Luna
Nessa Luna@octobertune
5 stars
Jun 3, 2023

A while back I read and reviewed Ms. Marvel: No Normal, a story about Kamala Khan, a girl from New Jersey who got strange powers and decided to become Jersey City's own superhero. We followed her as she tried out her new powers and encountered someone who called himself 'The Inventor'. In this book, we follow her as she finally meets this Inventor face-to-face, and fights alongside a very surprising (but also very exciting) companion - Wolverine! I had looked through a copy of this graphic novel at the American Book Center already, so I knew that Wolverine would be there (but now I see it's in the summary as well, which I hadn't read before reading the story). So that made me very excited to be reading this second book in the series. I really hoped it would be just as cool as the first one, and I thought it was! In this second book, Kamala finally finds out what she is exactly. Those that have seen all the episodes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. so far already knew what had happened, but it was nice to see Kamala find out. We also met a couple more inhumans, including a large dog called Lockjaw. I personally really liked this dog, because he (I assume) was massive (like Fluffy from Harry Potter but with less heads), and he also had an inhuman power! This book continues the storyline of the first book, and I personally really liked finding out more about this inventor guy. (view spoiler)[Who is definitely NOT. A. BIRD!!!!! (hide spoiler)] The art is still very nice, and I loved looking at the pictures and finding out more details about them every time (anyone noticed the fish during the school attack, and the background people in a lot of the images, it's amazing). I didn't get through this one as quick as the first one, mainly because I've been a little bit ill the last couple of days, but I did enjoy every second of it! My favourite story by far was the one where Kamala and Wolverine had to escape from the sewers, but that is honestly because I just love Wolverine so much. I loved how the two interacted with each other, especially Kamala's fangirling over finally meeting one of her favourite superheroes. (view spoiler)[She even told him about a fanfic she'd written about him and Storm, omg! And then Wolverine got pissed because it didn't get rated higher than a fanfic about Scott Summers and Emma Frost on holiday. (hide spoiler)] The final battle moved a bit too fast for me, and I reread several parts twice, but that was because there was just so much going on. And then it was over already, and Kamala was on her way to eat gyros with some of the people she'd rescued. Which totally reminded of the shoarma scene at the end of The Avengers. But yeah, I did find this book to move faster than the previous one, though that may be because my head just wasn't completely there? I don't know, but I did reread some parts in this comic a lot. I can honestly say that Ms. Marvel has become my favourite comic so far, and I am very excited to read more about Kamala. According to the synopsis for the third book, Loki will make an appearance, and though he's about my least favourite person in the Marvel universe, I am very excited to read about him! I'm definitely buying Crushed very very soon! This comic is for people who love Marvel, who love Captain Marvel, who love diverse characters and humour (who doesn't? Well me, to be honest, but sometimes - if it's not forced - it can be funny). So if you're looking for all that, you should definitely pick up the Ms. Marvel comics! My opinion on this book in one gif:

Photo of Jonas
5 stars
Mar 25, 2023

Art: 5/5 Story: 5/5 Overall feel: 5/5 Thoughts This volume was another great addition to what has already been an amazing series. The art was, yet again, impeccable. As for the story, it was fun as usual and had enough depth.

Photo of Jonas
4 stars
Mar 25, 2023

Art: 5/5 Story: 4.5/5 Overall feel: 4.5/5 Thoughts Absolutely loved this issue. Amazing art, great story and great messages. This series is still one of my favourites.

Photo of Isadora Cal
Isadora Cal@isadoracal
5 stars
Feb 16, 2023

I had never liked superhero comic books until now. Ms Marvel IS ALL THAT! and more! It reminds me of Spiderman Homecoming (yes, the movie), and now I think I’ll start his arc too because teenager superheroes are so damn fun! Can’t wait to read the others in the series. Kamala is awesome and the illustrations are wonderful! It makes all the difference.

Photo of brianna
4 stars
Jan 22, 2023

it was interesting to say the least, im glad this was my first marvel comic ever. im anticipating picking up the second volume :p

Photo of brianna
3 stars
Jan 22, 2023

"this is saying our generation will never matter. but we have to matter. if we don't, there is no future worth saving." Wolverine in the first 2 or 3 issues really saved this for me. This volume felt dragged out and just didn't capture my attention. However, with that being said I do love reading about Kamala and find her to be an interesting character. The story is just boring me and I'm not hooked. Lockjaw was a nice addition to this volume and them working as a team made my heart melt. I plan on picking up volume 3 eventually but I'm not in a rush.

Photo of Nicolás Niño
Nicolás Niño @niconv
3 stars
Jan 20, 2023


Photo of Rebecca
3.25 stars
Jan 18, 2023

Pretty sterotypical teenage character, except with the background of being part of a Muslim family. Still sneaking out at night, defying but also missing connections to her parents, etc. This first volume feels like a build up still, I'm not 100% sucked into Kamala and her story yet. Part of that is because I don't like her particular subset of powers, but thats a me issue.

Photo of aisha
5 stars
Jan 4, 2023

This was so so so great. The fact that the mom's name is the same as mine is a plus.

Photo of aisha
5 stars
Jan 4, 2023

This was just as great as the first I absolutely loved it!

Photo of Izza
4 stars
Dec 9, 2022

4 stars | So nice to get back to this series <3

Photo of Izza
4 stars
Dec 9, 2022

4 stars | Families are funny. Sometimes you get up in the morning and you see them and you're like, “God not you again”. But the second they’re in trouble and scared, all your ideals and politics and what-would-I-do-if scenarios evaporate. This.

Photo of Rowan Myers
Rowan Myers@cupofstars
4 stars
Oct 12, 2022

I love Kamala

Photo of Connor
Connor @cgbart
5 stars
Oct 5, 2022

A Captain Marvel team-up AND a Spidey team-up? I love this comic.

Photo of Gisela Ayala
Gisela Ayala @giselasmusings
3 stars
Sep 7, 2022

My first ever comic read and I can honestly say I enjoyed it. Ms. Marvel was out of the ordinary and it was super refreshing to have be of a different race! Amazing! I can't wait to pick up the next one.