The Lost Kingdom of Bamarre

Maybe if I'd read the other book I'd be more invested in the world and the story. As is, I found the language oddly stilted. Sure — it's to show the formality of the court but it didn't feel natural. http://pussreboots.com/blog/2017/comm...

I liked this! Peregrine strives to live up to the ideal of her people, the Latkis. They are all about strength and war and nothing about the arts and the comforts like those STUPID Bamarres. They have concurred those weak-minded worthless people and have made them their servants and have put them in their spots: under their feet. Peregrine has grown up this way and has never thought about those with the green tassels on their heads. All she has known is her Latki father Lord Tove and her Latki mother Lady Klausine. She does whatever she can to please them. Need her to run the fastest? done. She never gave much though to Annett, her Bamarre maidservant, or the other Bamarre servants until she is visited by a fairy named Halina. Which is completely weird to Peregrine because only, and rarely to begin with, Bamarres are visited by fairies. So why was she being visited by one? It's because she was kidnapped as a child from her Bamarre family along with her sister Annett to join Lady Klausine as her daughter. The Fairy tells Perry that she is the key to freeing her people (which happen to be the Bamarre) out from under the feet of their oppressors (which happen to be Latki). But what side is she going to be on? The side of her lineage or the side that she grew up believing? If you have loved Gail Carson Levine's story telling so far, this book won't disappoint. If you loved the previous book, which actually happens after this book in the actual time line and not in the written time line, you will like this book well enough. The Seven-Leagued Boots and The Good Tablecloth make an appearance too which I think I screamed about for ten minutes straight each time they were talked about. Like reliving my childhood over here! I always will read anything by Gail Carson Levine! ---------------------- NEXT WEEK?! THE FIRST BOOK BROKE MY HEART. I EXPECT NOTHING LESS.