Garry Kilworth
A Midsummer's Nightmare

A Midsummer's Nightmare

Oberon, King of the Fairies, three foot high and of angelic face, and Titania, his beautiful wife, are fed up. Their magnificent Sherwood Forest has been whittled away by urban development; the Earth is no longer the green and fertile land of yesteryear. Now is the time for change, so gathering together his band of merry men, household names such as Puck, Mustardseed and Blossom, Oberon decides to move everyone to the New Forest. Enlisting the help of a rude mechanical, a human car mechanic, they pile onto a bus and head off, Titania at the wheel, Moth navigating by the moon and the stars, by the scent of fern leaves on the wind. On the way they fall in with a group of New Age Travellers and learn how to party; they meet and dance with morris dancers, showing them precisely how it should be done, and Titania falls in love with a baby girl, stealing her when her nanny's head is turned. However, it is not all fun and games. Their progess is stealthily monitored by Titania's deadly rival, Morgan La Fay, who is in sole possession of the New Forest. On their arrival, these two powerful women are forced to fight for supremacy, a battle to the death, before everyone can settle down into some form of peaceful harmony.
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