Genevieve Behrend
Your Invisible Power - the Original Classic From 1921

Your Invisible Power - the Original Classic From 1921

Your Invisible Power - Classic Book of the New Thought Movement by Genevieve Behrend - First published in 1925 The exercise of the visualizing faculty keeps your mind in order and attracts to you the things you need to make life more enjoyable in an orderly way. If you train yourself in practice of deliberately picturing your desire and carefully examining it, you will soon and your thought and desires come and proceed in more orderly procession than ever before.Everyone visualizes, whether they know it or not. Visualizing is the great secret of Success. The conscious use of this great power attracts to you greatly multiplied resources, intensifies your wisdom, and enables you to make use of advantages which you formerly failed to recognize.In visualizing, or making a mental picture, you are not endeavouring to change the laws of Nature. You are fulfilling them. Your object in visualizing is to bring things into regular order both mentally and physically. When you realize that this method of employing the creative power brings your desires, one after another, into practical material accomplishment, your confidence in the mysterious but unfailing law of attraction, which has its central power station in the very heart of your word/picture, becomes supreme.
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