
I liked it. It wasn't something AWESOME. It wasn't even something GREAT! It was GOOD. It had its moments which I liked, and a bunch of stuff that were confusing, and some others that I didn't like at all. What I liked since the start and I still like while I'm now reading Part 2 on Darkseid War, is the artwork. Really REALLY nice! Darkseid comes to earth and the Anti-Monitor comes to earth too, so they can fight to the death and JLA is in the middle of all of it trying to figure out what to do allthewhile having the evil JLA (the Crime Syndicate) messing with them and whatnot. So... you're going to love the story? I don't think so. Nothing new. It's mediocre at best. You're going to love the dialogue? Maybe, it's well written imho. You're going to love the narration? No. You will NOT. At all. It's exhausting and super long every single time, explaining shit you already know, and if you don't, it doesn't matter because we really don't give a shit if WW has to express her feelings or the other stupid fucking dude with the chair has to tell us how he thinks about the current situation that's happening in the moment. We. Don't. Care. Say what you need to say in a couple of lines. Not when the shit goes down, to have WW talk without stopping about what she thinks would happen, how she thinks it happened, when she was a baby this and that happened, and when her mother was hunting down animals to eat WW was thinking a bunch of stuff AND SHIT THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CURRENT SITUATION. Besides stupid fucking cliche shit about honour and duty and whatever the fuck ---pfffff FUCK THAT. NO. Fuck . that. Shit. One more star down. Anyway, other than that bullshit, everything else is fine, besides the story being meh... and personally Cyborg being like... what do we have this guy here in JLA again? yeah.... So DC can say they have a black superhero in the team? Hm? No? Ok. Yeah. I'd rather read Bettie & Veronica (not even Archie) than to read a single-ass boring-ass issue of Cyborg. Anyway. After me giving the everything the shit about it and bitching about everything, I think you'll love it. HA. But no, seriously, it's nice and it had me going to see what's happening without getting super bored. And I get bored fast. Barry Allen fast. So that means it had something! If you like JLA like me, and you want to finally get into Rebirth, like me, then you should read it!

Ah.. it's over! Don't read if you haven't read it. This is NOT a review. This is me ranting about this bullshit. Lots of shit happening. JLA / Crime Syndicate / Darkseid / Anti-Monitor / Darkseid's daughter / Darkseid's daughter mother. As I said... Lots. of. shit. Here's the thing... I'm trying to remember a DC event I've read in my whole life that made complete sense & it wasn't like everything and everyone was crammed up inside a storyline. And I can't. Anyway, I was willing to play the Forgive & Forget card on the shit they pulled with someone dying here. Seriously, from the moment it starts (since Part 1, previous volume) Wonder Woman especially and some others too, are all like "Someone is going to die here", "this is the end, but at what cost? A Life", "Black Racer is here, and for him to be gone, he needs to take a life", "Anti-Monitor is more than a God, we're going to die".. anyway... And then. Lots of shit happen. Someone dies. More than one. Lots of bad guys die too. Characters we just got introduced and characters nobody gives a flying fuck about die too. BUT GUESS WHAT TRUE BELIEVERS? And spoiler alert below if you haven't been reading comics at all in your life: NO ONE FUCKING DIES. YES. Everyone comes back just fine. The good character that you thought was dead? No no no. It was actually the EVIL entity inside the good character that died and the GOOD character is all alive and well YAY?! Even the bad guys are back ^_^ YAY! EVEN THE EVIL ONE THAT WAS DEAD AND THIS EVENT WAS BASED ON AND WERE BUILDING UP TO THIS BATTLE????? YES! HE . IS . BACK . And the character that was newly introduced in this brand new event? And it was Evil as fuck? and did all those things? Oh no. That character is BACK too. Fuck you again! "FUCK your intelligence fanboys & fangirls. Fuck everything and every sense in your brain" - DC Anyway... I was willing to forgive as I said, lots of comebacks, if they weren't crying about someone dying for real aaaaall the fuuuuuucking tiiiiiime. Had its good moments. Sure, I liked the stuff with Batman and at the end, that was super interesting. I liked also the Superman stuff sometimes. WW was too much to take.. with her nonstop narrative like we didn't know what was happening and she had to tell us every single time every 2 issues or so. That, I didn't like much. Also, unrealistic as fuck as well. But hey, COMICS! No? Fuck off thank you? You will NOT have a fucking pregnant woman all dressed up in tights and have her screaming that she's going to give birth in any second IN HER CLOTHES and the next panel is her holding the baby all fine and shit. There was literally a panel of a woman (I won't say who don't worry) with her legs spread like she was giving birth, but IN HER FUCKING CLOTHES. And a dude holding a fucking blanket NEXT TO HER. Like, what? Are you on fucking drugs over there? You mean to tell me that you're going to justify a billion shit to make them real with scientific nonsense and 9 times out of 10 keep shit realistic and use everyday excuses on shit for the script but when it comes to giving birth you're going to be like "It's comics".. "yeah she's going to give birth in clothes, all dressed up"... "yeah put him next to her with a blankets like she's going to shoot the baby from inside her pants".. "pufff puff pass bitch".. Fuck you. One less star again. Insulting the fuck out of your fans. And if me, the stupid one, is willing to overlook all a that shit. And say hey, it's a comic. let them do whatever the fuck they wanna do... then it's a story about someone who was born and wants to kill her father, so she travels the multiverse to find someone powerful enough to kill him, finds him, then he's dead, but then for some reason that again we don't understand why, she wants to kill JLA, oh wait we DO understand, because she is EVIL. Yeap. THat's the answer kids :D she wants to kill everyone cuz she is EVIL. She even says so "I want to kill them because that's that I'm supposed to do because I'm evil." Fuck outta here. Fucking 5-year-old-could-write-this fucking script for a fucking joke. Fuck. No. 2 stars. It was shitty as FUCK. With glimpses of nice moments here and there, that will NEVER satisfy the bullshit our eyes had to go through to get the good moments. Anyway, rant's over. Don't read this. Unless you're a super fan of JLA and you really need to.

I tried to read like, the whole new52 Superman series, and that sucked.. but I wanted to get to Rebirth that's why I wanted to. But I dropped Supes cuz it was awful. Then I said ok, I'm going to read JLA New52 to finally get to Rebirth and read the one-shot with all the Watchmen shit. JL vol.1 was good. Besides making Wonder Woman stupid as fuck I didn't have any other problem with it.. but that went downhill from volume 1 and now I reached my end. I hope Trinity War is cool and all that shit but I don't have the energy or the will to continue right now after this clusterfuck. They can go fuck themselves with all that bullshit I paid for no reason. This was shitty as hell, I've read better indie comics with typos having a more interesting story than this. Artwork was crap. Especially Supes towards the end was a complete disaster. He looked like a 15 year old while everyone else was mid 30s. Fuckouttahere. If I want crappy stories with shitty artwork I can continue reading my Spawn series, thank you very much. So, I'm done. I would only recommend this to my enemies. So don't read it. Waste of time.

I'm confused

The art is great, more than great even. The writing is not bad either. I just that this story belongs to the New 52 (which I gave up on early in its start) and I still can see why I did not like it. I can't get into the story knowing that characters like the Justice League, Darkseid, Mister Miracle or the Anti-Monitor don't have the same history I know of them and don't share the same past they used to share within the story, and seeing them interact like they've only known each other recently or just met for the first time takes away from the story for me. I feel like I'm reading a story about A DC universe and not THE DC Universe. I don't know, maybe I'm letting to much fan-whining into my judgement. I'm still reading the rest of the story. And I think it is the last one before DC: Rebirth, so all this won't last much anyway.


*4.5 stars*